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Brownstoner Salutes 62 Montague

I’ve lived across the street from this Romanesque revival (a style I love) building for many years, hearing here and there that Arthur Miller had lived there; alas, not with Marilyn Monroe. I now know, thanks to Brownstoner that it was designed by Montrose Morris, an architect known for many distinguished Brooklyn apartment buildings completed […]

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“English Sunrises” in Brooklyn Heights

A few days ago I noticed workmen cleaning a rectangular wooden panel that decorates the space above Cranberry’s storefront, at 43 Henry Street. I recognized the design, with a small semicircle at the bottom center and beams radiating from the semicircle to the edges of the rectangle as a motif sometimes called the “English Sunrise.” […]

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Willowtown Fair Celebrates Preservation Pioneers and Present Day Advocates

At yesterday’s Willowtown Fair, local residents and politicos praised those who, in the past and today, have worked and are working to preserve the neighborhood’s character and scale. In the photo above, William Ringler, a member of the Board of Directors of the Willowtown Association, as well as President of the Riverside Apartments Tenants’ Association, […]

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BHA/BHS “House Geneaology” Workshop Repeats This Saturday

The workshop on researching the genealogy of your house, presented by the Brooklyn Heights Association and the Brooklyn Historical Society in conjunction with the BHA Centennial on March 27, was a success, so it is being repeated at BHS, 128 Pierrepont Street (corner of Clinton) this Saturday, May 15, starting at 2 p.m. It’s back […]

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BHA House Tour Saturday, May 8

The Brooklyn Heights Association’s popular annual house and garden tour will be held on Saturday, May 8, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Brooklyn Eagle: This go-at–your-own–pace, self-guided tour, for the benefit of the Association, allows visitors a rare opportunity to experience the architectural grandeur and contrasting styles found in the finest private homes and gardens […]

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Eagle: No Extra Stories for 75 Clinton

We previously noted the possibility that the owner of 75 Clinton, the eight story office building on the east side of Clinton between Montague and Remsen now being converted to condos, might try to add an additional six stories to the building. It seems this isn’t going to happen: Brooklyn Eagle: The owner of the […]

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Secret Brooklyn Heights Subway Exit Pt. II: The Pictures

There’s been great buzz among the blogs today about the secret subway tunnel supposedly located on unassuming Joralemon St. Curbed did some more digging and seemed to confirm what many locals had suspected, that the “brownstone” at 58 Joralemon is really an elaborate subway entrance. I walked over to check out the scene and took […]

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Flickr photo by david wong6

NYT on Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 1

The New York Times architecturally reviews the recently opened Pier 1 at Brooklyn Bridge Park: New York Times: As you move into the park from Old Fulton Street, an asphalt pathway (which will eventually be surfaced in a powdery gray gravel) splits to wrap around a large grass-covered hill before converging again at the waterfront. […]

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Brooklyn Heights Residents Tom van den Bout and Brenda Nelson Win Preservation Award

At the New York Landmarks Conservancy’s 20th Presentation of the Lucy G. Moses Preservation Awards to be held on April 21, Brooklyn Heights’s Tom van den Bout and his wife Brenda Nelson will be honored for their architecture firm NV/da’s work on 36 Grace Court in the Heights. Of the projects to be recognized this […]

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Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 1 Opens!

A rainy morning could not dampen the spirits of the hundreds who turned out for the Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier ribbon cutting ceremony–a day over a quarter century in the making. Many past and current elected and appointed officials were on hand including Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Gov. David Paterson, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, Assemblywoman Joan Millman, […]

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