Another Brooklyn Heights Residence Vandalized

Update: Mary Frost, in the Eagle, has more information, including the responses by City Councilmember Lincoln Restler and by the Brooklyn Heights Association. As reported by ABC7, an apartment building on Orange Street that is home to Columbia University’s Chief Operating Officer, Cas Holloway, was vandalized with red triangles painted on the door and each side of the doorway, and red paint splashed on the sidewalk. The vandals also released insects in the building’s lobby. Leaflets left near the building criticized Holloway’s actions in response to the protests at Columbia against Israel’s response to the October 7, 2023 massacre and hostage taking by Hamas. No one has yet been arrested; an investigation is underway.

Photo courtesy of a neighbor.

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  • End Jew Hatred

    Stop the gaslighting..

    I appreciate the work on this blog, but saying an apartment was vandalized in the title, not mentioning this was done by pro-palestinian protestors and is symbolic of anti-semitic acts hoping for the killing of Jews, is really gaslighting us all. Mary's article title and content says it all. This write-up makes it seem like it's random teenagers doing some graffiti.

    This is meant as deliberate, anti-semitic act of intimidation.

    Read more below on the history of red hands and red triangles and their recent usage an anti-semitic incidents. It's used deliberately to point to killing of Jews by terrorists, plain and simple.To pretend otherwise is blissful and willful ignorance.

    Do better.

  • Jorale-man

    I was going to say that this blog post skirts a major piece of the story: That "Israel’s response" has been the killing of at least 40,000 Palestinian people, not to mention the destruction of their homes, hospitals and schools, all while trapping them in a small territory with limited food, clean water and medical supplies. And people who protest this ongoing horror are not all anti-semitic vandals.

    I know Claude has a tough task with these articles, and this isn't an international politics blog, but there is more to the story too.

  • Arch Stanton

    If anyones "Gaslighting" here, It's YOU.
    The protest is in response to the genocide being perpetrated by the Israeli government, against the Palestinian people. It is not "Anti-semitic". Over 40,000 Civilians including about 15,000 Children have been killed so far. Many people find that unconscionable, they don't give a fu'k about religion or heritage only the senseless bloodshed and humanitarian crisis.
    Of course the Hamas attacks of October 7th were a heinous*, atrocity and Israel has a right to defend itself but what is happening is far in excess of that. Israel must do better.

    That being said; The vandalism is also wrong, it's a poor approach to making a valid point. Those responsible should be prosecuted.

    * Andrew Porter note: correct word usage here.

  • BH Mike

    Hamas steals aid from its own people and uses the civilians as a protective shield and then cries that Israel is killing innocent civilians. If citizens have to die as a result of collateral damage to finally destroy Hamas so be it.

  • BH Mike

    This is much deeper than vandalism. These are people who are showing their true colors of antisemitism. Many of these people don’t even like America. Not all, but some of these people could cause problems down the line. Many are supporting Hamas which makes them domestic terrorists. Makes the future of this country even scarier than it’s already become. Punishment needs to be done.

  • fu

    You never miss an opportunity to shut your anti-Semitic mouth.

  • Anonymouse

    Oh please. Bullshit.

  • Anonymouse

    Actually that’s literally what they are. They are antisemitic vandals.

  • Arch Stanton

    Usually when someone simply says "Bullshit" they don't really have cogent rebuttal…

  • BH Mike

    In this particular instance, the word vandalism lets the perpetrators off too easy. This pretty much pure hate that does not go away with a fine and misdemeanor jail sentences.

  • Arch Stanton

    LOL, I am certainly not "Antisemitic". I hold no prejudice towards anyone based on race, religionI or anything other than their actions. I support the right for Israel to exist. And I know Hamas is a terrorist organization, they precipitated the current conflict and are to solely blame for starting it. They are wrong and deserve to be punished. However, Israel's over the top retaliation, carelessly murdering tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians is also wrong. It is a humanitarian crime.
    Didn't yer mama teach you; Two wrongs don't make a right?

  • Arch Stanton

    "These people"
    Well, I guess we know who you're voting for…

  • Sen. Bob Forehead

    No your just a totally predictable supporter of terroism. Another in a long line of bad takes. Democrats created this Frankenstein in 2020 and now the Monster has returned for the Dr.

  • Sen. Bob Forehead

    Blog has a history of downplaying Antisemetic behavior in the nabe.

  • Sen. Bob Forehead

    And you’ll continue to vote for the same people who caused this mess in the first place.

  • Jorale-man

    I suspect Anonymouse, BH Mike and their buddies are online plants by the Netanyahu regime. They only show up when there's some issue that allows them to claim victimhood (despite having the might of the US government and wealthy lobbying firms all behind them). It's not unlike Putin and his army of online trolls.

  • Nosey Neighbor

    I will take this moment of calm, civilized discussion to inject a piece of history I rarely get to share.

    The vandalized building was once the Franklin Arms Hotel, one of the seven hotels in the neighborhood that the city turned into a residences for welfare recipients in the early 1970s. These “welfare hotels” were subject to lots of complaints by the neighbors and the BHA.

    Anyway, back to your discussion

  • BH Mike

    Wrong. I’m no victim. I’m giving you how I view it. I’ve got no skin in that game. Another example of people on this blog who criticize others who have a different outlook/opinion on a matter. It’s either conform or get criticized. My outlook is right by the way.

  • Arch Stanton

    " The same people who caused this mess in the first place"
    LOL, I'd love to see verifiable evidence to support your thesis.

  • Droolyn

    Believing the people you disagree with are "supporters of terrorism" is a surefire way to drive yourself insane. This is 9/11 like paranoia and hawkishness. Are you CIA?

  • Arch Stanton

    I neither support terrorism or genocide.
    Trying to imply, "Not supporting one side means supporting the other" is a logical fallacy.

  • Arch Stanton

    You, et. al, play the "Antisemitic" card because you have no real defense of Israel's genocide.

  • Anonymouse

    You were rebutted adequately by others, but I still felt the obligation as a decent person to register my disgust

  • Anonymouse

    Haha! Yessss I am getting checks from Netanyahu, you got me. The hilarity.

  • Anonymouse

    Keep exposing yourself for the antisemite you are… lol

  • Anonymouse

    Antisemites really adore claiming that there’s an “antisemitism card.” They wouldn’t be caught dead talking about a racism card, because then they’ll be seen for the bigots they are

  • Sen. Bob Forehead

    Why, you didn’t ask for any proof Biden was mentally fit. Just swallow it down hole like you always do.

  • Sen. Bob Forehead

    Oh man here comes the Tin Foil Hat Brigade. 😂

  • Sen. Bob Forehead

    Ok I’m peeved. I haven’t received any check yet, you got the number for the home office?

  • Sen. Bob Forehead

    You’re right, I confess. There is absolutely nothing to fear from Islamic Terrorists. Now please tell the 3,000 people who’ve been hiding since 9/11 to come out of hiding and stop fooling around.