Another Brooklyn Heights Residence Vandalized

Update: Mary Frost, in the Eagle, has more information, including the responses by City Councilmember Lincoln Restler and by the Brooklyn Heights Association. As reported by ABC7, an apartment building on Orange Street that is home to Columbia University’s Chief Operating Officer, Cas Holloway, was vandalized with red triangles painted on the door and each side of the doorway, and red paint splashed on the sidewalk. The vandals also released insects in the building’s lobby. Leaflets left near the building criticized Holloway’s actions in response to the protests at Columbia against Israel’s response to the October 7, 2023 massacre and hostage taking by Hamas. No one has yet been arrested; an investigation is underway.

Photo courtesy of a neighbor.

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  • Sen. Bob Forehead

    Yes I do actually. You have some very interesting items on your hard drive. We’ll be in touch.

  • Sen. Bob Forehead

    Arch is the nabe authority on BS

  • Sen. Bob Forehead

    Going on 8 years of evidence. What you’re referring to is called Denial. It’s the state you live in. Betcha thought it was New York, didn’t you.?

  • Arch Stanton

    Nope. I haven't heard one valid point made, just a bunch of ad hominem fallacies.

  • Arch Stanton

    Oh you don't have any evidence, just like I thought, LOL.

  • Arch Stanton

    "My outlook is right by the way" LOL, Then offer supporting evidence… Give us at least an outline of how you justify genocide?

  • Jorale-man

    Well, it's one of the older tricks in the book in America: To place the Israeli government above any criticism whatsoever. We just send them all the bombs and planes they want with no strings attached, and then when someone actually does question why they're using these weapons against innocent people, that person is labeled an anti-semite.

    In most other countries people see through this whole ruse. But the U.S. has had this bizarre protection racket going with Israel that supposedly places its rulers – and their lobbyists and defenders in congress – above any rational critique. Finally, however, some of us aren't standing for the nonsense any more.

  • winchell’s cavanaugh

    He wrote, "these are people". And these attacks are heinous and causing PTSD in Holocaust victims. This was an "opening" that many people were looking for to outwardly share their antisemitism in an "acceptable" way. And all the keffiehs made in China and sold on Amazon don't make them "activists".

  • winchell’s cavanaugh

    The people claiming victimhood are those who are vandalizing and creating an unsafe environment for every Jew – they want to be seen as "victims of oppression" because they are sooo jealous of the folks who got to (righteously and rightfully) protest in the 60's, so they are using this as excuse to cosplay as Yippie and vent how they really feel about the Jews, it's a win win! They couldn't find Palenstine on a map. That's what this is about. No better than Jan 6'ers.

  • winchell’s cavanaugh

    Maybe unlike Levy's rye bread, you do have to be Jewish to know antisemitism…

  • Arch Stanton

    Yes of corse Hamas is foremost to blame for the plight of the Palestinian people. But that doesn't let Israel off the hook for their actions. We don't support Hamas so no amount protesting here will change them. However, we do support Israel so pushback here might have an effect on their policy.

  • Arch Stanton

    Oy vey… Most of my Jewish friends are not in favor of the way Israel is conducting the war. So the me, are they "Antisemitic"?

  • Arch Stanton

    Nope, I'll call anyone out playing a card when it's inappropriate.

  • B.

    Always interesting to hear people defend pro-Hamas vandalism, whether the damage is done to apartment buildings, public buildings like libraries and train stations, or monuments.

    Also when pro-Hamas marches accompanied by such vandalism proceed to shut down our bridges and major thoroughfares.

    The mob amassed in front of Memorial Sloan-Kettering probably also pleased Hamas fans, blocking doorways so that patients could neither enter nor exit, with shouts and threats rising up to the children undergoing chemotherapy.

    These are mobs comprised of anarchists, thugs, and bored young people. What a crew.

  • B.

    On the other hand, the dripping-red triangles graffitied on this building and the previous one signify Hamas death threats. The bright lights engaging in this sort of scribbling are either stupid or vicious. Or worse, both, as is so often the case.

  • B.

    Well, if the Franklin Arms was anything like the building across the street from me for twenty years of noisy nights and morning litter, then I can see the neighbors' point. Just because poor people live in a place doesn't make it a better place. Just saying, as they say. But yes, there were various Heights hotels that bit the dust through neglect, fire, and conversion.

  • Jorale-man

    Always interesting to hear pro-Netanayu supporters who seem incapable of nuance – i.e. recognizing that one can be opposed to Israel's ethnic cleansing and also against Hamas.

    BTW, much of what you're describing here is called civil disobedience. There's a long and proud tradition of it in this country.

  • Effective Presenter

    The Bossert Hotel had been a run-down dump the Watchtower bought the mess paid tenants to leave to restore it to pristine condition it is in today.

  • BH Mike

    There’s another thread for that discussion. Stay on point.

  • B.

    If civil disobedience includes destruction of our streetscapes, interfering with people's access to their city, and frightening children with ports in their chests, then there needs to be a limit on civil disobedience. But you know what you are saying is not true. The pro-Hamas shenanigans are instead a type of low-grade terrorism.

    What remains true is that Arabs could have had their state decades ago. And could have avoided this bloodshed altogether had they not launched a massacre and taken hostages. But no doubt you know that too.

    So long, apologist. Enjoy the next real terrorist act here.

  • BH Mike

    It’s troubling to see people on this thread and off not exactly condone the actions discussed but dismiss it as just every day vandalism. Even more concerning is that people are discounting the underlying issue of increasing antisemitism as acceptable to a point along with the actions many engage in.

    That’s it. I’ve spoken my mind. Have a nice weekend.

  • Nosey Neighbor

    The JW’s couldn’t buy out all the tenants of the Bossert and there are still people who live there from when it was a welfare hotel. I wonder how many such residents there are in the neighborhood.

  • Nosey Neighbor

    The ramp in front of that building always trips me up. They really should put a railing or yellow paint because it blends in with the sidewalk. I’ve even seen nannys almost tip over their strollers because half the stroller will go up the ramp. Do you know anyone in the building that you can talk to about the ramp?

  • Karl Junkersfeld
  • Nosey Neighbor

    Wow! Thank you for sharing!

    I would’ve loved to have visited what I assume is the hotel bar with the unfortunate name “Poor Richard’s Corner”

  • Karl Junkersfeld
  • Jorale-man

    Well, here's the latest from your buddies in Israel:

    "An Israeli airstrike early Saturday hit a school compound in northern Gaza where displaced Palestinians were sheltering, killing dozens of people"

    40K-plus deaths of innocent people and counting. Quite a government you've chosen to defend.

  • B.

    Yes, I saw there's a lot of memorabilia out there. A lovely place. Well, it's a new world, Golda.

  • Andrew Porter

    Speaking of Franklin Arms history, I remember when it was an SRO that someone stole a bag of nickels from a local business, and the NYPD followed a trail of nickels from the torn bag that ran around the corner and into the hotel….