Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Michael Goodman

    I ran laps this morning on the Promenade. I stopped at the Pierrepont Playground to use the men's room and get a drink of water. There were three little girls there filling the basin, which was near to overflowing, with what turned out to be rocks, leaves, and dirt. Two or three women—all adults—stood behind them chatting. I do not know whether they were moms or nannies, but they did not intervene. Only when they saw me waiting did they ask the girls to move away so I could access the fountain. I returned later to find the basin clogged. The girls' minders had not only let their charges fill the fountain with debris but left it there after the girls had had had their fun. I fail to understand why adults said nothing to the girls as they clogged the fountain and then did not remove the debris before they left the playground. Apparently, it doesn't matter to them that others might want to use a water fountain in working order. I cleared the debris myself, cursing under my breath.

  • danacasun

    The sirens and honking on Clinton St. are out of control. The incessant noise is a serious issue — particularly for parents with young kids — that demands attention from local reps. Is CB2 doing anything about it? Lincoln Restler?

  • Nosey Neighbor

    I guess this week’s New Yorker cover didn’t humble you one bit.

  • Michael Goodman

    No, it didn’t.

  • charles

    why are you running laps on the promenade? it’s got uneven footing, you have the piers just below, and, as you noted, children and caretakers are in the way.

  • Arch Stanton

    You might be better off in a more residential area, or the suburbs.

  • Arch Stanton

    Manners, respect and general intelligence took a nosedive after Gen-X.

  • Arch Stanton

    Why do you care where he runs?
    There are probably just as many inconsiderate idiots in the park, if not more…

  • Michael Goodman


  • Effective Presenter

    Before Gen-X manners, respect, have NOT been in vogue for a LONG time.

  • Effective Presenter

    Far more idiots in the park than on the Promenade

  • Andrew Porter

    I realized some years ago that the western sidewalk on Columbia Heights is a continuous strip, unbroken, from down the hill at Old Fulton Street up to Remsen Street—and far more even than the Promenade is now. Also less crowded, esp on the weekends.

    As I get older, and the Promenade continues to degrade, it becomes ever more of a tripping hazard.

  • Andrew Porter
  • Arch Stanton

    Actually, that is a much longer, continuous sidewalk. It even makes a complete circle. Picking up where you left off, go around the cul-de-sac at Remsen up to Hicks then to Grace CT, down and around that and back to Hicks then down to Joralemon to Furman, The sidewalk on that side of Furman, under the highway, is very narrow but is walkable.
    The sidewalk widens on the east side of Furman after the highway turns under Columbia Heights. Then to Doughty St. to Everit & Columbia Heights. then back to Remsen. We used to walk this route as kids, when we had no money or matches…

  • Jorale-man

    And less smelly marijuana smoke (though I suppose for some, the smoke is a positive).

  • Jorale-man

    Clinton & Joralemon has become quite chaotic. Today, an ice cream truck was parked right at the intersection too, adding to the congestion.

  • Nosey Neighbor

    Crime rate also went way down as once GenX got old and decrepit so six in one

  • BH Mike

    Unfortunately that intersection has been loud and noisy with delivery trucks as well as pedestrians heading to the park for a long time now. Trucks trying to make the turn don’t help.

  • Andrew Porter

    On the way to Trader Joe's Friday, noticed work being done on the former Urban Outfitter's space. Workers couldn't supply name of new occupants.

  • MaggieO

    someone said in a prior open thread that anthropologie is moving in i think

  • Sweeties

    like for like

  • charles

    did not state that I cared when he runs. just a questioning of the decision to do so on the promenade with nearby, better options. why do you respond negatively to everyone’s comments?

  • Arch Stanton

    Well you certainly came off like you have a strong opinion on the location of Mr Goodman's morning run.
    I would assume anyone who lives in the area is well aware of the park, and not question their choice on such a frivolous matter.
    Especially, when the theme of the post wasn't even about running, but the inconsiderate, boorish, behavior of some "adults" and children.

  • robertnill

    Yes. Same parent company.