New York City is the best place to live in the entire world…until it isn’t. Until lugging five bags of groceries seven blocks home from the supermarket turns into an Ironman-like competition, and until the thought of shlepping ten pounds of overdue laundry to the cleaners feels as insurmountable as Mt. Everest. Well, for those […]
About Julie Kanfer
Author Archive | Julie Kanfer
Brooklyn Heights People: Dan Horan of Five Acre Farms
To be clear, Five Acre Farms is not a farm at all. There is no pastoral landscape where cows graze, no ever-present smell of manure percolating the air. There is no big red barn, no silo, no wooden sign on an oak tree announcing that Five Acre Farms is two miles down the road to […]
Brooklyn Heights People: Dr. Dylan Kwait
In many ways, Brooklyn Heights resident Dylan Kwait is your typical psychotic person who decides to run a marathon: he’s young (33), active, and, as a radiology resident at Brooklyn’s Maimonides Medical Center, barely able squeeze running into his hectic schedule. But in one really big way, Kwait is a rarity among marathoners, having been […]
Brooklyn Heights People: Zak and Gillette Wing of Holler & Squall
Contrary to popular opinion, Atlantic Avenue west of Hicks Street is good for more than just a cheap brew at Montero’s, or a visit to the beautiful park at Pier Six. Turns out this oft-forgotten stretch of road is prime territory for obtaining a six-foot-long stuffed zebra from Tommy Hilfiger’s Connecticut estate. “I told Zak […]
Volleyball for the People, or for Profit?
The pristine sand volleyball courts at Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pier 6 offer one of the best views in town. As luck would have it, playing volleyball on them is also free. Enter Big City Volleyball and Metro Beach Sports, two city-wide volleyball leagues, and suddenly that privilege costs a pretty penny, even if league director […]
Brooklyn Heights Goes Wild with Julie Feinstein
Julie Feinstein has lived in Brooklyn Heights for 20 years, she thinks, but it is only in the last 18 months or so that she’s been able to really enjoy whatever it is that comprises this neighborhood’s urban wildlife. “This park has been fabulous,” she said, standing in Brooklyn Bridge Park’s grassy Pier One. She […]
Know Your Brooklyn Heights CSAs
In case you’re one of the four people left in brownstone Brooklyn who has not been sold on the wonders of participating in a CSA, allow me to explain why these three letters are being clumped together, and why they are suddenly, strikingly hip. CSA stands for Community Shared Agriculture—meaning that a community (hi, Brooklyn […]
Brooklyn Heights People: Theater 2020’s Judith Jarosz and David Fuller
If Judith Jarosz’s infectious energy and David Fuller’s quiet confidence are any indication of what Theatre 2020: Visions for a New Millennium will be like, then expect their new theater endeavor to be serious, and seriously entertaining. “We look at everything like an opportunity,” Jarosz, whose personality is as fiery as her mane of red […]
Brooklyn Heights People: Valerie Frankel
Valerie Frankel—author, blogger, journalist—has lived in Brooklyn Heights since 1992, and in that time has watched the neighborhood change dramatically. Which can be both a blessing and a curse. “Where Heights Café is now, there used to be this really old-fashioned, greasy diner, where the underside of the table had an inch worth of gum,” […]
Brooklyn Fashion Unzipped by Shop it To Me: What is Brooklyn Heights Wearing?
Among many traits, like being hipper than everybody else at all times, Brooklyn is known for its progressiveness, with bars, restaurants, and clothing brands latching on to the borough’s certain coolness as a way to define their style. But Shop It To Me, the website that thinks of itself as an online personal shopper, recently […]
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