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Norval White and Fran Leadon

Torch and Tune Bearer

When Norval White, who passed away in December, was working on the latest edition of his AIA Guide to New York, he knew it was going to be the last one with which he was involved. With both the future in mind and needing assistance–in his eighties, his mobility wasn’t what it was–he enlisted the […]

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Sneak Peek at 166 Montague and Some Mad Montague & Court History

The work of many great architects from the late nineteenth century has disappeared from the New York City architectural landscape. Unrelenting demolition of these age-old structures by developers and city planners in the name of progress have made the remaining survivors akin to endangered species. Brooklyn Heights has fortunately maintained landmark status protection since 1965 […]

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Brownstone Brooklyn

Brownstoner has a neat article on the architect Frank Freeman, who has been called “Brooklyn’s finest architect” by the late Norval White. Perhaps his most famous building is the Herman Behr Mansion, which is right on my corner. Built in 1888, it’s now apartments, but at one time was a hotel, a bordello, and a […]

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Norval White, Champion of Heights Architecture, Dies at 83

Norval White, architect, author, and long time Heights resident, died at his home in Roques, France on December 26, at the age of 83. As Henrik Krogius noted in the Brooklyn Eagle: His own Brooklyn Heights brownstone served him with examples of noteworthy architectural elements. Norval C. White, co-author of the important AIA Guide to […]

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