Search results for "graffiti"

Swastikas and Trump Graffiti Discovered At Adam Yauch Park

Earlier this evening, graffiti of swastikas and “Go Trump” were discovered at Adam Yauch Park. We should have more shortly. DEVELOPING….

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84th Precinct Needs Volunteers For Graffiti Removal Thursday

Want to help rid Brooklyn Heights of unsightly graffiti? Join officers of the 84th Precinct and Brooklyn Heights Association members at the northeast corner of Henry and Clark streets (by Gristedes) at 5:30 p.m. this Thursday, June 18. You will be provided with paint and brushes (dress appropriately) and dispatched to locations identified by 311 […]

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Lame Graffiti Artist Strikes Again at Fruit Street Sitting Area in Brooklyn Heights

Graffiti has returned to the Fruit Street Sitting Area a few weeks after what appeared to be a Citibike inspired attack. The Parks Department removed those scibblings a day after the bike racks were cleaned. Last year, Parks was also quick to remove a World Trade Center tribute many believe was created by world reknowned […]

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Video: Parks Department Cleans Graffiti From Fruit Street Sitting Area and We Give You the Truth on How Those Brooklyn Heights Fruit Streets Got Their Name

The NYC Parks Department finally got around to cleaning the Fruit Street Sitting Area in Brooklyn Heights today. A crazed and untalented graffiti “writer” defaced the area along with an adjacent Citibike docking station between Monday (6/9) night and Tuesday morning. As we documented earlier this week, the Citibike station was quickly cleaned by Wednesday […]

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Lame Graffiti In Brooklyn Heights Hits New Low With ‘Blurred Lines’ Reference

Unless you’re a time traveller from 1975, a member of the Warriors or a writer at Complex magazine, you know that graffiti is lame. Case in point – the refrain of the popular song “Blurred Lines” scrawled on this utility box on Cranberry Street. You have been assaulted by the lyric – ‘you know you […]

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Instructive Graffiti on Clark Street

While walking to the Clark St. station for your morning commute, you may have seen some chalk talk on the wall. In addition to “Tell Someone You Love Them xoxo” there are a couple others after the jump.

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Opinion: Karl on Middagh Street Graffiti and More [VIDEO]

In the few years that Karl Junkersfeld has been contributing to Brooklyn Heights Blog via video verite we have seen him sing the praises of Brooklyn Bridge Park, Noodle Pudding, Iris Cafe and many other neighborhood hotspots and landmarks.

Today, Mr. Junkersfeld’s takes on Middagh Street graffiti and some other issues. While his opinions do not reflect the ownership or staff of Brooklyn Heights Blog and its affiliates, we think you’ll find it to be his finest moment. Watch it after the jump.

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Columbia Heights Horror Show Adds Graffiti To List Of Transgressions

While the neglected brownstone at 194 Columbia Heights hasn’t proven the “Broken Windows Theory“, it sure is trying hard to do so. We noticed some graffiti on its front door today. This is another incident in the decline of the worst building on the best block in Brooklyn Heights.

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Aggravating Assault: Graffiti Appears To Be Escalating In Brooklyn Heights

When well-traveled NYC graffiti “artist” Lewy BTM tagged the Brooklyn Bridge with his trademark squiggle design late last month, it was noted that the last time the national landmark was so adorned was during the Clinton era, in 1998. The same spot 199 feet above the East River was marred to great infamy in 1988 […]

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Graffiti Blemishes Remsen Street… And There’s More

On Open Thread Wednesday March 21, reader Tony alerted us to graffiti spray-painted on the sidewalk in front of 90 Remsen Street and along a wall on Henry Street at Remsen (thankfully, now eradicated), expressing “NYPD Don’t Trust.” And there’s more… Such vandalism is also prominent on the Henry Street side of Andy’s Chinese on […]

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