Archive | February, 2011

Park Board Meeting Next Tuesday

The board of directors of the Brooklyn Bridge Park Corporation will meet next Tuesday, February 22, starting at approximately 1:00 p.m., in the first floor conference room at the Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn Heights Branch, 280 Cadman Plaza West (corner of Tilllary Street). No formal agenda has been published, but it is expected that the […]

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Park Service Approves Transfer of Tobacco Warehouse to St. Ann’s, but BHA Vows to Continue Fight

The National Park Service, having been told by the U.S. Justice Department to review its earlier decision to “de-park” the area occupied by the 19th century Tobacco Warehouse in the Fulton Ferry Historic District, has now reaffirmed its approval of the move.

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BHS Presents Dodger Film Festival

For the next three Sundays, February 20 and 27, and March 6, starting at 2:00 p.m., the Brooklyn Historical Society, 128 Pierrepont Street (corner of Clinton) will present films about the long departed and (by some of us, still) lamented Brooklyn Dodgers. The screenings are free with museum admission, which is $6 for adults, $4 […]

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Big Ship to Sail Past Heights This Afternoon

Update: Sailing time has evidently been delayed. We’ll let you know when we have a new estimated departure time. Update-update: Sailing time is now late tonight. The giant (703 feet long, 56,650 gross tons) combination container and RORO ship Grande Benin, belonging to Italy’s Grimaldi Group (no relation to the pizza folks, so far as […]

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City Comptroller Auditing River Cafe Lease Payments

River Cafe owner “Buzzy” O’Keefe’s lease deal for the upscale restaurant is being examined by the City Comptroller in the wake of city auditors’ conclusion that O’Keefe’s other ritzy waterfront establishment, Water Club, on the Manhattan shore, had shortchanged the city by under-reporting cash sales. New York Post: Comptoller John Liu today confirmed that he’s […]

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Siggy’s Faces Public Hearing to Maintain Sidewalk Seating

Siggy’s Good Food [76 Henry Street] shut down last week due to “unexpected reasons“.   Over the weekend, a sign was posted at the eatery explaining that a NYC Department of Consumer Affairs public hearing will be held this Wednesday (2/16), 2pm at 66 John Street 11th floor as they ask for a two year […]

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Mr. J’s Restaurant Update

Our man with cam tours the local culinary scene, pondering Siggy’s application to maintain its outdoor tables, taking a look inside Colonie, and returning to Mile End, where he heeds Felix Unger’s injunction: “Don’t forget to look at my meat!”. He doesn’t just look; he tastes. For his verdict, see the video after the jump.

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You Should Know Where to Park During Movie Shoot This Week

Sarah Jessica Parker and Greg Kinnear will be in Brooklyn Heights this week shooting I Don’t Know How She Does It. That’s really awesome, especially for cupcake loving shoe fanatics. But for folks who need to park their car somewhere in the neighborhood during the shoot it’s no fun at all. Here’s the lowdown, move […]

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For One Woman, The Hunt Ends in Brooklyn Heights

Brooklyn Heights is the site of this week’s “The Hunt,” a weekly real estate column in The New York Times. Former Garden City resident Anne Bauso fell in love with the neighborhood and went on a quest to find an apartment that was affordable and maybe had an amenity or two. Did she finally take […]

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Mr. J. Goes to the Fringe

Back in January we noted that hairstylist Jeffrey Stein would open a new salon in the space formerly occupied by Dimples Kids’ Spa, at 91 Montague Street, near the corner of Hicks. The store, called Fringe, is now open, and our man with cam was on the scene today to talk with Mr. Stein, who […]

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