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Shake It All Off with the Full Monty

These have felt like dark days recently—–so why not shake it all off 1980’s style—and go for the Full Monty. The pop-rock musical about six unemployed Buffalo steelworkers who stage a strip show after seeing their wives’ enthusiasm for Chippendales opens on Friday at the Heights Players.  The show, an Americanized version of the hit […]

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Movie Shoot to Create Parking Nightmares Sunday through Tuesday

Thanks to Marisa Cohen on Nextdoor for the image and the warning. I’m guessing this is a remake of the 2015 movie Brooklyn, based on Colm Toibin’s novel with the same title.

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“City on a Hill” Returning For Another Shoot

As you may have noticed, Showtime’s City on a Hill has been shooting scenes using Three Pierrepont Place and nearby streets and sidewalks. Your correspondent’s ever alert wife spotted this sign at Pierrepont Street and Pierrepont Place informing us of another shoot this Thursday, February 24. So, here’s a new chance to reduce your Bacon […]

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Has a Sign Guiding Visitors Fallen Victim to a Video Shoot?

While your correspondent has been nursing a slowly but (I hope) surely mending fractured ankle, his ever alert wife, Martha Foley, has kept a keen eye on neighborhood developments. Over a period since November, Three Pierrepont Place and the sidewalk in front has on occasion been used as a setting for the TV drama City […]

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BHA Annual Meeting: BQE, Clark Street Station, Empty Storefronts, and More

Wednesday’s Brooklyn Heights Association annual meeting began with a summary, by BHA President Martha Bakos Dietz, of BHA’s accomplishments during the previous year.  First among these was the apparent elimination of the city Department of Transportation’s plan to demolish the Brooklyn Heights Promenade and replace it with a temporary six lane highway. Both the expert panel appointed by […]

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City Council Member Proposes “Bill of Rights” For Communities Affected by Film Shoots

Mary Frost of the Brooklyn Eagle reports that City Council Member Inez Barron, whose district includes East New York and New Lots, has introduced a bill that would create a community and media Bill of Rights, with the aim of producing clear and consistent guidelines for production companies. The bill would provide rules regarding parking, […]

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All That Shooting? It’s Not Your Imagination

Over the last few weeks, those little multi-colored notices on trees and street signs have flourished almost as efflorescently as the white blossoms that are harbingers of spring in our neighborhood. Locals, though, don’t welcome the signs with quite as much enthusiasm as they do the blossoms. The Brooklyn Eagle reports what we always know to be […]

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“Crime” Spree Hits The Heights

Brace yourselves, neighbors: for the next week, nowhere will be safe. The intruders will be everywhere, from Montague to Cranberry, Cadman Plaza to Hicks Street. Some of us (this writer included) view the encroachment of TV crews as nothing short of an invading army. Others may welcome the opportunity to catch a glimpse of Mariska […]

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“Motherless Brooklyn” Movie Shoot Transforms Henry Street

If you were walking on Henry Street Friday and approached the block between Pineapple and Orange streets, you may have been asked to cross the street and walk on the other side, as a movie shoot was in progress. Looking across the street, you would have seen some storefronts temporarily transformed to a decades-ago look, […]

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Spielberg Turns Willow Street Into D.C.’s Georgetown

If you were at the north end of Willow Street today, you may have seen lots of 1970s vintage cars parked there, including a cab with the paint scheme of a D.C. company. If you were lucky, you might have caught a glimpse of Tom Hanks or Meryl Streep playing, respectively, former Washington Post editor […]

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