Anti-Semitic Attack on BK Museum Director’s Mansion House Home

Last night, purportedly Pro-Palestinian protesters vandalized the Mansion House on Hicks Street, where Brooklyn Museum director Anne Pasternak resides. The front of the building was defaced with red paint, inverted red triangles were painted on the doors, and hung up a banner that said “Anne Pasternak Brooklyn Museum White-Supremacist Zionist.” This was apparently a part of a larger operation, since several homes were hit with this kind of vandalism across Brooklyn and Manhattan. According to Councilman Lincoln Restler, there is video of the act on the Mansion House, so hopefully the vandals will be caught, and someone can ask them how they think such acts would further their cause for peace, instead of just spreading a feeling of terror and fear in the Jewish community.

Update: The Brooklyn Heights Association issued this statement:

The Brooklyn Heights Association strongly condemns the vandalism discovered this morning targeting the homes of Brooklyn Museum officials throughout the city, including an apartment building in our neighborhood. Attempts to intimidate and frighten Brooklyn Museum staff, their neighbors and our community at large cannot be considered peaceful protest. We call on our elected officials and community partners to stand with us in condemning these hateful acts, and we thank those who have already spoken out.

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  • PineapplePal

    Why "purportedly"? Those clowns signed their work.

  • Stacey Mankoff

    Agreed. I think you can eliminate the word “purportedly”

    Blatant anti-semitism. We cannot tolerate this anymore. This. Calling for death at an exhibition commemorating those lost at the Nova Festival. It’s out of hand. It’s gotten that I’m afraid to wear a Jewish star around my neck when I walk around my home here in the Heights. This is NYC 2024 not Berlin 1938.

  • Stacey Mankoff

    Also, the BHA sent a letter out about this incident without mentioning anti-semitism. Why? So disappointing.

  • Stacey Mankoff

    BHA email:

    BHA Statement On This Morning's
    Hateful Acts of Vandalism
    Sadly, many of us woke up this morning to the news of the vandalism at Mansion House on Hicks Street. The BHA was on the scene early in the morning, along with Council Member Lincoln Restler and the NYPD. We hope you'll read our statement below:

    The Brooklyn Heights Association strongly condemns the vandalism discovered this morning targeting the homes of Brooklyn Museum officials throughout the city, including an apartment building in our neighborhood. Attempts to intimidate and frighten Brooklyn Museum staff, their neighbors and our community at large cannot be considered peaceful protest. We call on our elected officials and community partners to stand with us in condemning these hateful acts, and we thank those who have already spoken out.

  • Jorale-man

    It's unfortunate the actions of a few bad apples like this overshadow an otherwise worthy message: that the Brooklyn Museum should disclose and divest its financial ties to Israel. Moreover, artists and arts institutions should be speaking out against Israel's actions – especially during a week in which the country's military went in and recklessly slaughtered a couple hundred Palestinians in order to rescue four captives in Gaza.

  • Andrew Porter

    So you believe in the power of intimidation to change things? No way!!!

  • Andrew Porter

    Brooklyn Eagle report with upsetting photos here:

  • Jorale-man

    You clearly didn't read my post, Andrew.

  • p hamlin

    The use of the word "purportedly" makes it sound like you believe this is some sort of Mossad false flag operation. Within Our Lifetimes has been pretty explicit that they are targeting the leadership of the museum.

  • GHB

    You seem to forget who started this whole thing! Or you chose not to acknowledge it.

  • p hamlin

    Yes, this is a hate crime, not an act of vandalism. The red triangle is a symbol used by Hamas to represent the killing of Jews. The BHA should be ashamed of itself for not understanding the difference between vandalism (breaking something for fun) and a hate crime (intimidating or conducting violence against someone based on their identity).

  • Andrew Porter
  • Andrew Porter

    You said, "the Brooklyn Museum should disclose and divest its financial ties to Israel."

    How might this happen?

  • Jorale-man

    The same way any of us might re-align our investment portfolios so as not to put money in stocks and bonds that support Israel. In the same way that universities and nonprofits during the 1980s divested from firms that profited from South African apartheid (which proved to be very effective at the time).

  • Anonymouse

    Yeah no

  • Qfwfq

    "purportedly" because 1) at time of publish there weren't any official sources declaring direct responsibility that I could find (and you don't have to reach for some bizarre mossad conspiracy to find recent examples of protest violence being incorrectly linked to the wrong group) and 2) perhaps a naive incredulity that any group claiming to be pro-palestinian would think this would be a victory for the cause, instead of an example of anti-semiticism.

    There is supposedly video, would be great if it was publicly released! We'll post an update when there's more info available.

  • Stacey Mankoff

    The BHA issued a follow up email as they realized their mistake:
    A follow up note to our earlier message:

    We want to thank our local elected officials for their unequivocal condemnation of the antisemitic and hateful vandalism at Mansion House and the other properties involved in this incident. To be clear, intimidation and threats to the Brooklyn Museum's Jewish leadership threaten all of us and cannot be tolerated.

    We appreciate that the Mayor announced that the NYPD is conducting a criminal investigation.

    We have been in touch with the residents of Mansion House to offer our direct support, and hope others will do the same.

  • Jorale-man

    But only Israel has gone to commit genocide, and with America's backing. "They started it," just isn't a credible argument.

  • GHB

    Go away, you fool.

  • Claude Scales

    I didn't write the story, but I think "purportedly" modifies "pro-Palestinian"; in the sense that the vandals may have been motivated more by anti-semitism than by any sympathy for Palestinians.

  • Andrew Porter

    The BHA sent out a follow-up message:

    We want to thank our local elected officials for their unequivocal condemnation of the antisemitic and hateful vandalism at Mansion House and the other properties involved in this incident. To be clear, intimidation and threats to the Brooklyn Museum's Jewish leadership threaten all of us and cannot be tolerated.

    We appreciate that the Mayor announced that the NYPD is conducting a criminal investigation.

    We have been in touch with the residents of Mansion House to offer our direct support, and hope others will do the same.

  • Andrew Porter

    I do not believe in punishing the entire population of Israel based on the actions of its Prime Minister and its military.

    And what of the many links between academic, medical, and social organizations here and there?

    Penalize them all because…why?

  • Peter Loibl

    The ONLY human responses here should be one of shock and disgust. Period. Comments about "genocide" and anything related simply downplay one of our neighbors being the victim of a hate crime. Period. Some of us need to be better people, or stop hiding behind the veil of cowardly anonymity when posting this crap.

  • fu

    Do we know who Jorele-man is so we never associate with this disgusting anti-Semite in real life? Move to Idaho or Gaza to live with the rest of the neo-Nazis. Scum.

  • TK

    So you really think it's possible this is part of some false flag, as opposed to the obvious reality? An Iran-backed network of fake 'protestors' and local anti-Semites is on a campaign to terrorize Jews all over America, and you're giving credence to this? Maybe you shouldn't be posting on this blog.

  • Arch Stanton

    15,694 children killed in Gaza as of today since 10/7/23. I would like to hear how you think this is justified?

  • Jorale-man

    Sorry, but you're not the moderator (that would be Claude). As far as I know, it's an open forum for civilized discussion.

    Re. genocide: Several human rights bodies have declared it such. The evidence is strong: Israel has killed more than 37,000 Palestinians – the majority, women and children – and injured countless thousands more. A majority of Gaza's homes and buildings have been reduced to rubble; starvation is spreading and residents are forbidden to leave the territory while aid barely arrives.

    I hope this woman's building is quickly cleaned up and the vandals are caught, but last I checked, it hasn't been flattened by a 500-pound bomb either.

  • Peter Loibl

    Sure I am not the moderator, yet this open forum provides me a platform to point out imbecilic posts. Be better than this, and stop bringing politics into a post showing one of our own enduring a hate crime. I am sure you are smarter than your anonymous posts position you. Happy to debate more, but man up and hit me up on Facebook using your real name.

  • BH Mike

    Domestic terrorists. Blame Hamas for the deaths.

  • Arch Stanton

    I see a hate crime motivated by politics. It's not right, but there is a reason these incidents are happening. If you support Israel's policy of killing indiscriminately in the name of retribution and self preservation, don't be surprised when the opposition takes up the same policy against you.