Anti-Semitic Attack on BK Museum Director’s Mansion House Home

Last night, purportedly Pro-Palestinian protesters vandalized the Mansion House on Hicks Street, where Brooklyn Museum director Anne Pasternak resides. The front of the building was defaced with red paint, inverted red triangles were painted on the doors, and hung up a banner that said “Anne Pasternak Brooklyn Museum White-Supremacist Zionist.” This was apparently a part of a larger operation, since several homes were hit with this kind of vandalism across Brooklyn and Manhattan. According to Councilman Lincoln Restler, there is video of the act on the Mansion House, so hopefully the vandals will be caught, and someone can ask them how they think such acts would further their cause for peace, instead of just spreading a feeling of terror and fear in the Jewish community.

Update: The Brooklyn Heights Association issued this statement:

The Brooklyn Heights Association strongly condemns the vandalism discovered this morning targeting the homes of Brooklyn Museum officials throughout the city, including an apartment building in our neighborhood. Attempts to intimidate and frighten Brooklyn Museum staff, their neighbors and our community at large cannot be considered peaceful protest. We call on our elected officials and community partners to stand with us in condemning these hateful acts, and we thank those who have already spoken out.

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  • Red Leader

    Its obvious you're upset by this conflict. We all are. But your comments are in poor taste. Our Jewish neighbors and friends are upset, scared, angry and most certainly do not have anything to do with Netanyahu's disastrous decisions in Gaza. I don't hear you mentioning the slaughter of October 7. I don't hear you talking about the hostages. Yet during this time of pain for our neighbors you stick a knife in their wounds. Please take a moment and remember you live in a community. Just TRY and show empathy for a second. Most of us here want the hostages returned and a peaceful resolution to the war. Targeting specific people at their homes is terrorism and to defend that terrorism is unconscionable.

  • GHB

    It’s horrible that so many innocents have died, but it’s all on Hamas.

  • Karl Junkersfeld

    Don't think he defended the individuals that destroyed property.

    "I hope this woman's building is quickly cleaned up and the vandals are caught"

  • Red Leader

    Of course of not but wouldnt it be great if he could read the room.

  • Arch Stanton

    Hamas as wrong as they are, didn't kill those children Israel did. They egged Israel into doing it as they knew Israel would foolishly fall right into the trap. Now the Hamas plan is going exactly as intended, the world is turning against Israel. How stupid do you have to be not to see that!

  • Arch Stanton

    See my response to GBH. I'll add, Israel's ridiculous plan of "Eliminating Hamas" has no chance of succeeding, in fact all this barbaric counterstrike id going to achieve is increase hatred for Israel and spawn tens of thousands of new Hamas soldiers. Netanyahu is a demonic idiot, as is anyone who supports him.

  • duc

    Demonic? Man, maybe give us a cartoon of a Jew with horns! Sickened to share a neighborhood with you.

  • fucc

    Don't be surprised if I spit on you the next time I see you on Montague Street.

  • Jorale-man

    It depends whose room we're talking about. I'm against all hate and vandalism in our neighborhood. But one must also consider the broader context. A lot more fuss is ever made about incidents like this than about the people who are being bombed, starved, killed and maimed by Israel, day and night.

  • Arch Stanton

    To pressure them into ousting Netanyahu and his regime.

  • ISeeDummies

    @jorale-man, It sounds like you should consider exposing your name and home and see how it feels if someone took this post to take a position against you and physically attack your home. Your argument is hypocritical as it is based on the same thing you criticized initially: "That because you started it i can do whatever i want".