Tag Archives | anne pasternak

Mansion House Attack Update: Surveillance Video Stills Released

From a Brooklyn Eagle article, the NYPD have released photo stills from the surveillance video of the Mansion House vandalism/protest/attack, and are referring to it as a “hate crime criminal mischief incident.” If you seen this person, or have any information regarding this crime, you can contact the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477), or […]

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Anti-Semitic Attack on BK Museum Director’s Mansion House Home

Last night, purportedly Pro-Palestinian protesters vandalized the Mansion House on Hicks Street, where Brooklyn Museum director Anne Pasternak resides. The front of the building was defaced with red paint, inverted red triangles were painted on the doors, and hung up a banner that said “Anne Pasternak Brooklyn Museum White-Supremacist Zionist.” This was apparently a part […]

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