Arrest Made in Vandalism of Hicks Street Residence of Brooklyn Museum Director Anne Pasternak

As we noted on June 12, vandals attacked the entrance to the Mansion House apartment building, 145 Hicks Street, home of Brooklyn Museum director Anne Pasternak. “The front of the building was defaced with red paint, inverted red triangles were painted on the doors, and [there was] hung up a banner that said ‘Anne Pasternak Brooklyn Museum White-Supremacist Zionist.'”

Now, according to Mary Frost in The Eagle, a suspect has been arrested in connection with this alleged hate crime.

Taylor Pelton, 28, a resident of Astoria, Queens, was arrested and charged Wednesday, police told the Eagle. She was arraigned late Wednesday afternoon before Judge Dale Fong-Frederick in Brooklyn Criminal Court and charged with eight counts of ‘hate crime/criminal mischief property,’ according to court records.

She has “pled not guilty” and has been “released on non-monetary conditions.”

Update 8/6: The Daily News reports that a second person, videographer Samuel Seligson, has been arrested in connection with the vandalism and is “charged with criminal mischief as a hate crime.” The Daily News quotes Seligson’s lawyer, Leena Widdi, as calling the charges “an ‘appalling’ overreach since the videographer didn’t take part in the vandalism.” She said his action “is protected by the First Amendment and consistent with his job as a credentialed member of the press.”



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  • Andrew Porter

    Very good news, indeed. May the full force of the law be used against her, for this heinous act!

  • A Neighbor

    Never sure why protesters think they help their cause by defacing property, insulting cops/onlookers, or committing violence.

  • Andrew Porter

    In lots of cases, it works. Look at Bangladesh the last few days. Of course, that was tens of thousands of protestors…

  • Arch Stanton

    "Heinous act" I hope you are joking?

  • Andrew Porter

    Odious, wicked, evil, atrocious, monstrous, disgraceful, abominable, detestable, contemptible, reprehensible, despicable, horrible, horrific, horrifying, terrible, awful, abhorrent, loathsome, outrageous, shocking, shameful, hateful, hideous, unspeakable, unpardonable, unforgivable, inexcusable, execrable, ghastly, iniquitous, villainous, nefarious, beneath contempt, beyond the pale; rare egregious, flagitious. ANTONYMS admirable.

  • Arch Stanton

    Ah, then it is an asinine, misuse of the word.
    If you use words like "Heinous" to describe political graffiti, then what words is left over to describe the action of say a serial, rapist-killer of children or the holocaust?

  • Effective Presenter

    The accused may be mentally ill in need of professional help possibly psychotropic drugs could prevent such negative behavior

  • BH Mike

    Enough of this using mental illness as an excuse for people’s actions.

  • Effective Presenter

    We see this often people who are mentally ill creating situations that include crime, hate, etc.

    We do not see mental illness as an "excuse" but a factor here.

    The criminal action could result in a sentence that mandates professional help therapy and medicine.

    Unfortunately "managed care" has negatively impacted mental health benefits too many people have inadequate benefits insurance companies won't pay.

  • BH Mike

    Excuse or factor. Whatever. Either term is used to soften the impact or punishment of the crime and a card played to get that desired result. Crime is crime and punishment and accountability need to be recognized. Certainly no sympathy from me regarding mental illness when a crime is committed.

  • fu

    Take your ceaseless anti-Semitism elsewhere. It's compulsive.

  • Sen. Bob Forehead

    You’re the only joke on this blog

  • Effective Presenter

    We advocate for the disabled the mentally ill included.

  • Arch Stanton

    The cogent rebuttal to my words? Nonexistent.
    Read that!

  • Arch Stanton

    Got anything more than ad hominem?

  • BH Mike

    Did you just learn the definition of that? You’ve used it twice. Good for you.

  • Arch Stanton

    Since junior high. I'll use it every time it applies, which is almost every comment you make, shame on you!

  • Arch Stanton

    You misspelled Genocide, I'm Anti-genocide.

  • BH Mike

    Shame on you for thinking that defending oneself and rounding up people on trains to be sent to concentration camps to die are one and the same.

  • Arch Stanton

    Defense is one thing but 40,000 civilians (not Hamas) including 15,000 children, killed so far. Sounds like genocide to me.