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Shake It All Off with the Full Monty

These have felt like dark days recently—–so why not shake it all off 1980’s style—and go for the Full Monty. The pop-rock musical about six unemployed Buffalo steelworkers who stage a strip show after seeing their wives’ enthusiasm for Chippendales opens on Friday at the Heights Players.  The show, an Americanized version of the hit […]

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Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, Steve Martin, Heights Players—Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Please

So two guys walk into a bar—the Lapin Agile (“Nimble Rabbit”) in Paris circa 1904. If it sounds like the beginning of a joke, it is—or at least the latest play at the Heights Players. Picasso at the Lapin Agile, written by comedian Steve Martin, is up next at our beloved neighborhood theater. Come to […]

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Multidisciplinary Performance at Columbus Park Tuesday

Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 20, starting at 5:00 PM, in front of Fred Wilson’s sculpture “Mind Forged Manacles/Manacled Minds,” located in Columbus Park (between Cadman Plaza West and East, near the end of Pierrepont Street), Julian Louis Phillips will present a free multidisciplinary performance inspired by Mr. Wilson’s art. “The performance combines speeches from African and […]

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