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Out in the World – Book Launch – May 7 – Atlantic Avenue Barnes & Noble

If you loved Mark Jason Williams’ delightful and viral New York Times Modern Love essay (and podcast) about his $100 bet with his mother about her not talking about his childhood cancer and him not talking about being gay, you will want to head over to the Atlantic Avenue Barnes & Noble on Tuesday, May 7 […]

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On Lent, More Ears, Less Mouth

BHBlogger Caroline Koster has done it again, publishing another beautifully written op-ed in the New York Daily News. It’s a “Lenten essay about free speech and the privilege of listening,” inspired by a recent visit with her mother-in-law who said, “God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason!” Caroline discusses the disruption of […]

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Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, Steve Martin, Heights Players—Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Please

So two guys walk into a bar—the Lapin Agile (“Nimble Rabbit”) in Paris circa 1904. If it sounds like the beginning of a joke, it is—or at least the latest play at the Heights Players. Picasso at the Lapin Agile, written by comedian Steve Martin, is up next at our beloved neighborhood theater. Come to […]

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“The Moth” Storytelling Session at St. Ann & the Holy Trinity Wednesday Evening

As reported by the Eagle, this Wednesday evening, March 20, the “acclaimed storytelling nonprofit The Moth” will be at St. Ann & the Holy Trinity Church, corner of Clinton and Montague streets, for an event in which “[f]ive storytellers will take the stage to tell tales of finding real beauty in moments when our lives […]

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