I always enjoy the New York Times feature on how famous-ish folk spend their Sundays, although I often don’t always buy its breezy curated pseud0-glamour and am sometimes a smidge jealous of all that hi-low routine and relaxation. But, finally getting to the weekend pages a few days late this week, I stumbled onto one I can relate […]
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A (Television) Teacher’s A+ Sunday List
Bad News: Massive Film Production Taking Over Neighborhood This Tuesday May 3rd. Good News: Tom Holland Sighting Anyone?
According to a sign posted on Henry St., Apple Studios will be filming “Ever’s Blueberry” aka “The Crowded Room” on Tuesday, May 3rd from 5:00 a.m. to 11 p.m. You won’t want to park on the following streets: Henry St. b/t Clark and Cranberry Sts. (Full Block) Clark St. b/t Henry St. and Monroe Place […]
“Heights in Lights” Screening Begins Thursday Evening
Correction: We had earlier reported that the Thursday evening screening would be at The Binc. It is on line only. The “Moonstruck House” (19 Cranberry Street; photo) is just one of many Brooklyn Heights locations to have been featured in film. This Thursday evening, May 20, starting at 7:00, the Brooklyn Heights Association will present […]
R.I.P. Mary Tyler Moore, Brooklyn Heights Native
Mary Tyler Moore, the much loved and admired former star of her eponymous TV show, and before that co-star of the Dick Van Dyke Show, died today at her home in Greenwich, Connecticut. She was 80, and had suffered ill health for some years. According to her New York Times obituary, she was born in […]
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