Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Alex

    To the lady who walks her untrained dog that barks uncontrollably EVERY TIME, EVERY DAY, and the ENTIRE TIME you take them out for a walk: you gotta do better. I can hear the constant barking for 10 minutes from my bedroom as you walk on Cranberry and then make your right on Hicks. The neighborhood dog owners are so over it.

  • Arch Stanton

    OMG a dog ia barking for 10 minutes! Call 311, Call the BHA, Rally a Lynch Mob!
    Or maybe, adjust your meds?

  • T.K. Small
  • MaggieO

    Following up on last week's open thread it appears that DOT is actually making changes to the signal running at court and Atlantic. They're also putting in a mid- block crossing on Atlantic between Clinton and court.

  • Alex

    Arch, you've never had a dog as an adult. Bot behavior.

    Edit: Oh, you're just old and grumpy! My bad.

  • Arch Stanton


  • Crossing Guard

    I’m interested to see how the mid-block crossing works out. There was a pedestrian fatality mid-block between Henry and Clinton recently. The Clinton St intersection is the deadliest.

  • Jorale-man

    Yes, I was almost hit by a vehicle doing an illegal u-turn at a red light there a few months ago. I don't know if he was caught by the cameras obviously, but I hope a big ticket landed in his mailbox.

  • Andrew Porter

    Pretty sure this is the dog that resides in the basement apartment at 60 Pineapple. I have filed noise complaints with 311 about it.

    Also, when no one is home and the window is open, dog barks/whines continuously for hours at a time.

  • Andrew Porter

    Paywall, but basically, guy taught at St. Ann's, allegedly did inappropriate things with St. Anns, Packer, other local underage students.

  • Andrew Porter

    I was away for a week, at a convention in Buffalo, which has much wonderful architecture. So, playing catch-up, here's one of those 1940 tax photos, the corner building at Hicks and Poplar Streets:

  • Jorale-man

    Still there, though the stoorfront has been butchered, probably around the same time that the buildings up the street were razed, courtesy of Robert Moses.

  • Andrew Porter

    Much briefer link to Brooklyn Paper article here:

  • Arch Stanton

    Of course you did, snitch.

  • Andrew Porter

    Google "FOAD."

  • Arch Stanton

    I've been dead since 1862.

  • RickP
  • Andrew Porter

    I commented there:

    I know which streets to walk along when I go to, say, Trader Joe's at the corner of Court and Atlantic. Court Street from Montague to Atlantic is jammed by people and construction sheds, and vendors everywhere.

    Then there are the tourists, coming here to walk to DUMBO or cross the Brooklyn Bridge. Their numbers are legion. And they're slow too.

    Let's not even mention their actions in walking five abreast, like they're a squadron of planes, as locals and individuals continuously navigate around them.

    My second comment there:

    The sidewalk sheds in Brooklyn Heights apparently breed among themselves, generating new ones everywhere. My block has three, contiguously, stretching the entire length of the block in front of big buildings.

    They're great when it's raining or snowing. Other times, not so much.

  • Jorale-man

    I believe it. Joralemon is a s**t-show a lot of the time. The park is the main culprit, and our sidewalks are so narrow that it's single-file much of the time.

    But — as more multi-unit buildings are bought up by the super-rich and become single-family homes, perhaps the local population will decline and make up for some of this.

  • Effective Presenter

    The super-rich who buy an MFD, a Multiple Family Dwelling to convert back to a single-family home may opt for another street due to Brooklyn Bridge Park.

    BBP has changed Joralemon Street forever.

  • Nosey Neighbor

    It not just the super-rich that buy MFDs and convert them. Developers do it now too. One Willow Place is currently being converted from, I think, 7 units to single-family on spec by a developer. Jared Kushner converted a couple on Monroe Pl and had to sell them at a loss. There have been a few developer conversions on Willow St that also never sold so now they rent them out.

    As for losing population, only central Brooklyn Heights (between Pierrepont and Cranberry) has lost housing units over the last 20 years, but even that that does not mean fewer people. The population of Brooklyn Heights grew by about 5% over the past ten years and tourism has increased around the world.

  • Jorale-man

    Well, that's good news about Jared Kushner selling his buildings at a loss (guess he takes after his father in law).

  • Andrew Porter

    Brooklyn Heights BQE section gets fewer overweight trucks due to automated enforcement, reports Gothamist:

  • winchell’s cavanaugh

    Here it for free. This is shocking and heinous. Beyond inappropriate. Why would St. Ann's hire this PoS, after being convicted and jailed for fraud?

  • winchell’s cavanaugh
  • Arch Stanton

    No surprise to me. St Ann's is a sham school.