Where Have All the Mailboxes Gone?

This is obviously an old photo, as it includes two now defunct restaurants; one of which is still mourned by your correspondent and by many others. The thing I want to point out, though, is the blue object on the sidewalk between a trash barrel and the back end of the motor scooter. Like the restaurants, it’s not there anymore. Neither are its identical siblings at several other Brooklyn Heights locations. Is the U.S. Postal Service determined to make us hike to the Post Office to deposit our mail? As Mary Frost explains in the Eagle,  it’s because of thievery. The old boxes were vulnerable to crooks who would slide boards covered with a sticky substance into them and “fish out” mail. They are to be replaced with “hardened” boxes. According to Ms. Frost, “USPS did not respond to a request for the schedule of the replacement of the boxes in Brooklyn Heights by press time; check back for updates.”

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