Archive | February, 2011

Siggy’s Gets Sidewalk Cafe Approval.. For Now

This NYC DCA notice posted in the window of Siggy’s Good Food on Henry Street proclaims the eatery is good to go with its sidewalk seating until at least May 1.  The restaurant shut down unexpectedly a couple of weeks ago presumably over this issue.

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Sarah Jessica No Parking, Week 2: They’ll Need a Crane

The crew for I Don’t Know How She Does It, is set up in and around Plymouth Church today.  For fans of films production, it look like there’ll be some sort of crane shot happening.  The movie is also scheduled to film in Brooklyn Heights tomorrow.

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Reader: This is What the FDNY is For?

No doubt the FDNY is full of brave men who rush into situations where most of us mere mortals fear to tread.  So this BHB reader’s account of an incident Sunday night on Montague Street speaks to their humility and their ability to deal with any and all circumstances:

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Brooklyn Symphony’s Russian Afternoon a Delight

Yesterday afternoon’s Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra concert at St. Ann & the Holy Trinity Church featured three works by Russian composers. The guest conductor was Mark Cerri, an accomplished horn player and conductor who teaches at the Long Island Conservatory, and the featured soloist was French horn virtuoso W. Marshall Sealy (photo). The program opened with […]

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Brace Yourselves, Brooklyn Heights, for Another Week of Sarah Jessica “No Parking”

They’re baaack! The production of the new Sarah Jessica Parker flick  I Don’t Know How She Does It rolls back to Brooklyn Heights on Monday and Tuesday. Move your car NOW from the following areas by 8pm Sunday night: Orange Street both sides between Hicks and Henry Cranberry Street both sides between Hicks and Henry […]

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Rats Invade Clinton Street

Looks like Clinton Street has been taken over by rats! A sign on the garbage bins at the Brooklyn Law School dorm at 148 Clinton Street reads:

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The Search for Spotty, Brooklyn Heights Pooch Gone AWOL

Fliers were posted around Brooklyn Heights this weekend in search of Spotty a pooch who ran away from home recently. The flier reads:

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CBS Sunday Morning on Former Brooklyn Heights Resident Gypsy Rose Lee

CBS Sunday Morning jumped aboard the Gypsy Rose Lee Centennial bandwagon today with a report featuring her son Erik Preminger:

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Wind Damages Tree at Pierrepont Promenade Entrance

High winds have caused considerable damage to trees in Brooklyn Heights over the past year or so (see here, here, and here). The latest casualty is near the Pierrepont Street entrance to the Promenade, adjacent both to the Eichner residence and the Pierrepont Playground. Mr. J. was on hand with his video cam. See video […]

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Sidney Place House Getting Green Makeover

According to Brownstoner, an 1846 vintage row house on Sidney Place is being made into a “Passive House”, a technology developed in Germany that, through use of insulation, airtight windows and doors, and high efficiency heat pumps, reduces the energy needed to heat or cool the house by 80 to 90 percent.

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