Brace Yourselves, Brooklyn Heights, for Another Week of Sarah Jessica “No Parking”

They’re baaack! The production of the new Sarah Jessica Parker flick  I Don’t Know How She Does It rolls back to Brooklyn Heights on Monday and Tuesday. Move your car NOW from the following areas by 8pm Sunday night:

  • Orange Street both sides between Hicks and Henry
  • Cranberry Street both sides between Hicks and Henry
  • Hicks Street both sides between Cranberry and Pineapple
  • Henry Street both sides between Cranberry and Orange
  • Middagh Street both sides between Cadman Plaza West and Henry
  • Cadman Plaza West both sides between Poplar and Clark

If you see filming, snap a photo and send it to us – webmaster AT brooklynheightsblog DOT com or tweet us @bkheightsblog .

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  • AEB

    Noticed today en route to the High Street station that a pole-mounted traffic sign indicating “children crossing” had literally been severed at it’s base and was lying on the sidewalk, south side of the street, between Henry and Cadman West.

    My suspicion is that this was the work of one of the film’s trailer trucks, which were parked in a row nearby.

    Anyone else have any idea about how this was done?

    (I called 811 and reported….)

  • Jorale-man

    I saw that sign and suspected the same thing. On the flip side, the film crews underscore one point for me: owning a car in New York is a questionable idea at best.

  • north heights res

    Wonder how the predicted weather will affect the shoot. If it’s cancelled, a lot of people will have moved their cars for no reason, and I guess that would mean we’d go through all this again later in the week.

    L’enfer, c’est les movie shoots in the neighborhood.

  • AEB

    …I was also astounded by the number of shoot-relevant signs–pink, white–seriously taped around trees and poles in the North Heights, on Henry and side streets.

    Let’s see if they’re removed once the shoot is done. Bets they won’t be, or will be haphazardly?

  • really

    In south dakota you’d have no problem parking. There are very few movies filmed there too..MOVE THERE and leave the blog alone. enough is enough. it’s falling on def ears…i wonder if the snow…blah blah blah…enough! buy a metrocard and put some money into the city!

  • HeightsGuy

    Looks like they will be shooting on Hicks between Cranberry & Orange. They have electric cables running to a crane. Looks like the shooting will occur on the side of the street next to the Plymouth Church school and gym.

  • Herb Cohen

    Why don’t these film companies make arrangements for residfents to park there cars else where or pay to park in a garage. How about opening up some of the space in Brooklyn Bridge park ? hundreds of cars could fit there

  • lois

    They will be shooting INSIDE Plymouth Church, so the weather shouldn’t affect the shooting.

  • HeightsGuy

    They shot inside Plymouth Church as well as a scene where SJP and another actress exit the church (i.e., 75 Hicks Street) and SJP walks down the street toward Orange with a small terrier dog following her.

  • Jesse

    I second Herb’s comment — this is really absurd. How can you just eliminate hundreds of parking spaces with nothing more than a form apology taped to the lampposts? And for what is certain to be a crap movie? Fine if they want to shoot here, I know it’s pretty and all that, but they need to make it functional for the neighborhood.

    There’s a middle ground between riding a subway for the rest of your life or moving to South Dakota.

  • really

    Jesse…i’m trying to be a realist. we don’t own the streets. none of us do. Because we are residents doesn’t mean we own parking. if we did we would have resident permitted parking. like to drive like everyone and have easy parking but we don’t own it. to think that someone should pay for the residents makes no sense. if every car that drove into another neighborhood had to pay for parking for 1 car that was displaced it would be crazy.

  • Jesse

    Really, no one here is arguing that we own the streets or the spots on them. But when the city provides non-metered street parking, as it does here, that is an acknowledgment that it is a residential area and people rely on that. I pay plenty in city and state taxes and I think it’s entirely appropriate that one of the services those taxes go towards is “free” street parking.

    I also don’t mind if a TV or movie crew comes in for an afternoon and blocks off one block — which has happened a few times in the years I’ve lived in this neighborhood. The problem here is the vast shutdown of street parking for multiple days, with no alternatives offered. I’d think it would be in the both the city’s and the movie studio’s best interests not to have cars crawling around the neighborhood for hours looking for a spot — as I did this morning once again.

    I’ve spoken to the company and suggested that in the future if they plan such a wholesale disruption of a neighborhood’s established routine, they make more of an effort to ameliorate it. Such as offering to pay for people to park in a garage nearby for the day, or arranging for an unused lot to be opened up temporarily. (They’re effectively doing this anyway, aren’t they, by not charging us when our cars are towed? I don’t know who’s swallowing that cost, but why not just let people park their own cars then?)

    I don’t think these are unreasonable requests. This is not a normal situation: it’s not “one car driving into another neighborhood and displacing one car”, as you describe it — it’s hundreds of spots being taken away for several days.

    PS: The resident-parking issue is irrelevant. A movie crew could just as easily get a license from the city to take “resident” spots. I know because I used to live in Boston where there is true resident parking, and we still had to endure movie shoots.

  • David on Middagh

    Car owners have a lot of expenses. And tribulations. Many of those, however, are predictable (monthly payments, insurance, alternate side of the street parking, etc.) It’s the unpredicted expenses and last-minute changes to routine that seem to rile people up, especially when the fault lies elsewhere (a rise in gas prices, an unforgiving ticketing agent, a scrape-and-run…).

    I would bet that if residents knew months ago that there would be two weeks of no parking on streets a, b, c… on days x, y, z… and that other parking arrangements would have to be made, possibly including several hundred dollars worth of garaging, there would still be annoyance but much, much less frustration.

  • Eddy de Lectron

    I called in a complaint to 311 about this. I spoke to Caitlin an agent in the Mayors office who is familiar with the production. She said “IDK Films Inc. is working closely with the Brooklyn Heights Association and had made donations to the BHA that will be used to better the community”… Well that last part remains to be seen… She also said “The BHA had known about this production for quite some time and IDK, the Mayors office and the BHA were well aware of the negative impact this production would have on the neighborhood”… Hence the payoff (me thinks)…
    Funny, I don’t know if I remember hearing anything from the BHA about this?

    I urge all affected by this issue to call 311.

  • Park Ranger

    Sounds like the BHA is really looking out for the best interests of the neighborhood, NOT.