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A Tale of Two Bridges

Mr. J. takes a long, loving look at two of the great suspension bridges connecting Brooklyn to Manhattan. Video and Karl’s text after the jump.

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One Pierrepont Mentioned First

In this weekend’s real estate section of the NYTimes, the ” ‘It’ Buildings of the Other Boroughs ” were considered and a noted Brooklyn Heights address was mentioned first.

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Historic Districts Council Conference at St. Francis This Saturday

The Historic Districts Council, which advocates the preservation of historic neighborhoods in New York City, will hold its 17th annual Preservation Conference, “Looking Forward, Looking Back”, this weekend, with the main event, a series of lectures, to be held at St. Francis College, 180 Remsen Street, on Saturday, March 5 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 […]

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Sidney Place House Getting Green Makeover

According to Brownstoner, an 1846 vintage row house on Sidney Place is being made into a “Passive House”, a technology developed in Germany that, through use of insulation, airtight windows and doors, and high efficiency heat pumps, reduces the energy needed to heat or cool the house by 80 to 90 percent.

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City Acts to Save 186 Remsen

Built in the late 19th century, the office building at 186 Remsen Street has, in the memory of your correspondent, been the national headquarters of the NAACP, the home of Little Flower Children’s Services, and, for the past decade or so, vacant. Now the City is moving to save it.

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Out of Context, Fugly or Brilliant? Some of Brooklyn Heights’ Most Controversial Buildings

With preservationist tongues wagging in anticipation of the proposed “modern” structure at 27 Cranberry Street, we thought it would be interesting to open up the discussion regarding some of the neighborhood’s other “controversial” structures. To get the discussion started, here’s a list of some  so-called “out of context”  buildings in Brooklyn Heights:

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Haunted Follow-Up

A reader tipped us off to a New York Times article from August 7, 1899 that reports the death of five-year-old William Foster, who tragically fell from the balcony at 20 Columbia Place. Could this be the ghostly presence recently reported? (Or there may be more than one?) Interestingly, according to Property Shark the building […]

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L Magazine Names Three Brooklyn Heights Blocks Among Borough’s 50 Best

L Magazine has surveyed Brooklyn’s multitude of blocks, and named its fifty best in various categories. Two blocks completely, and one partially, in the Heights made the cut. The winner in the “Best Block for Historical Significance” class is Montague Terrace (see photo above). It was here, way back in 1776 at the “Battle” of […]

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NYTimes Digs into Tunnel Issue

(edited by Qfwfq) The N.Y. Times catches on to the BQE tunnel idea, speaks with  vocal local yokel and Judi Francis‘ beau Roy Sloane: A fourth tunnel idea that would skip Brooklyn Heights entirely has been put forward by a local graphic designer, Roy Sloane. He would bore an almost three-mile tube straight under the […]

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Pulpit with Historic Lineage to Arrive at Plymouth Church

From Plymouth Church comes news of a historic pulpit: On Sunday, September 26, Plymouth Church will dedicate a new pulpit at the worship service led by Senior Minister Rev. Dr. David C. Fisher. This special moment for the membership of the Brooklyn Heights-based Congregational Church has historical resonance beyond the walls of the church’s 19th […]

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