About Homer Fink

The moniker is the “nom de blog” of Brooklyn Bugle Media founder John Loscalzo, who took it from a novel he read while growing up in Queens, NY. It was called, naturally, The Adventures of Homer Fink by Sidney Offit.“Loscalzo” may be familiar to those who grew up during the “alternative rock” era. He spent most of the 80s and 90s on great radio stations like WNYU, WPDH, WRCN, WDRE and WXRK (K-Rock) in New York as well as KROQ in Los Angeles. Loscalzo has also held executive positions at Billboard Magazine, Sony, CBS-TV and MTV.Loscalzo and the staff of Brooklyn Heights Blog were recognized by the Brooklyn Heights Association with a Community Service Award in 2011.

Author Archive | Homer Fink

Open Thread Wednesday 1/7/15

What’s on your mind? Comment away! Share this Story: Tweet

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Game On: Brooklyn Heights Association Announces Support of Pierhouse Foes Save the View Now

This just in — the Brooklyn Heights Association has released a statementsupporting Steve Guterman’s Save the View Now campaign to curb the height of Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pierhouse: A decade ago, the BHA lobbied on behalf of our community to protect the iconic views of the Brooklyn Bridge by limiting the height of development in […]

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WPIX: The Pierhouse Will Block the NYC Views for People from All Over the World

WPIX-TV covered the efforts of Save the View regarding the height of Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pierhouse last night. Watch the report and comment after the jump.

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The BHB Ten 2014: The Most Influential and Interesting People in Brooklyn Heights

Here it is the BHB Ten for 2014. This year’s list is a Brooklyn Heights residents or business owners who have made an impact on the neighborhood or have done some remarkable work in their field. Please add your thoughts in the comments below. But wait! Before we roll it out, we would like to […]

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The Top 7 Stories on Brooklyn Heights Blog in 2014

BHB’s eighth year was action packed to say the least. There were – from the ridiculous to the sublime – many issues facing the residents of Brooklyn Heights. Here are the Top 7 most read stories on Brooklyn Heights Blog in 2014:

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Is Brooklyn Heights What Manhattan Used To Be? Ethan Hawke Thinks So

Actor/Brooklyn Heights resident Ethan Hawke says that Brooklyn is what Manhattan used to be in a Manhattan Magazine profile.

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Gawker Picks Up on the Pierhouse Controversy

As the members of the newly formed Save the View group prepare for their first large meeting tomorrow (1/3), Gawker has written about the controversy.

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Open Thread Wednesday 12/31/14

Happy New Year! What’s on your mind? Comment away! Photo: Mrs. Fink Share this Story: Tweet

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So What Really Happened at the Brooklyn Heights Chipotle and Serving the NYPD?

Chances are some of your Facebook friends are outraged or “shocked, shocked” at the alleged behavior of employees at the Montague Street Chipotle.

But what’s the deal really?

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Open Thread Wednesday 12/24/14

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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