About Homer Fink

The moniker is the “nom de blog” of Brooklyn Bugle Media founder John Loscalzo, who took it from a novel he read while growing up in Queens, NY. It was called, naturally, The Adventures of Homer Fink by Sidney Offit.“Loscalzo” may be familiar to those who grew up during the “alternative rock” era. He spent most of the 80s and 90s on great radio stations like WNYU, WPDH, WRCN, WDRE and WXRK (K-Rock) in New York as well as KROQ in Los Angeles. Loscalzo has also held executive positions at Billboard Magazine, Sony, CBS-TV and MTV.Loscalzo and the staff of Brooklyn Heights Blog were recognized by the Brooklyn Heights Association with a Community Service Award in 2011.

Author Archive | Homer Fink

Seasonsky Greetingskys from Deansky Davidsky Yassky

Pace Law School Dean/former NYC Councilmember/former NYC TLC honcho David Yassky and his staff are wishing everyone Season’s Greetings – according to a photo posted by Daily News reporter Celeste Katz.

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Brooklyn Heights Man Mounts Campaign to Stop Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pierhouse

Brooklyn Heights resident Steven Guterman is not happy about the Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pierhouse project blocking the view of the Brooklyn Bridge from many area vantage points. He’s decided to do something about it and recently penned this letter looking for help.
Read it after the jump.

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From the Brooklyn Bugle: Holiday Gift Guide to Wines and Spirits, The Signal Podcast and Top 5 Christmas Songs

Brooklyn Heights resident Dan Patterson has started a new podcast called The Signal. The weekly program looks at how the news is covering current events and controversial issues. It’s co-hosted by journalist Jill Duffy. Listen to the latest episode now at the Brooklyn Bugle. Catch up on all podcasts created by friends of the Brooklyn […]

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What Changes are Planned for Truman Capote’s Old Digs at 70 Willow Street?

The owner of 70 Willow Street will be asking the LPC permission to make some changes.

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Rabbi Raskin, NYS Senator Squadron Light Borough Hall Menorah

Last night was the first night of Chanukah and Congregation B’nai Avraham’s Rabbi Aaron Raskin and NYS Senator Daniel Squadron were on hand to light the Borough Hall menorah.

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Electeds Hope New LICH Bill Will Prevent Future Hospital Closings

From the lemons to lemonade department comes word of an effort by our local electeds to prevent future hospital closings in the wake of the LICH closing:

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Open Thread Wednesday 12/17/14

What’s on your mind? Comment away! Share this Story: Tweet

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Breakfast with Santa This Saturday (12/20) at First Presbyterian Church on Henry Street

Santa makes his annual stop in Brooklyn Heights this Saturday. Details after the jump.

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Open Thread: Who Should Make the BHB Ten 2014?

It’s time once again to discuss who should make the BHB Ten. Please comment below on the neighborhood resident who had the most influence on the neighborhood, the city or the world as well as any others who made a direct impact on Brooklyn Heights.

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Pierhouse: Still Growing on Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 1

A BHB reader notes on Facebook that the Pierhouse is continuing to rise and block the view of the Brooklyn Bridge. Of course, it doesn’t block the historic view plane if you ask park officials. And heck, if you believe what we reported on in 2007, the big fun is JUST GETTING STARTED. In any […]

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