Squadron, James Headed For Public Advocate Runoff – This Could Get Ugly

Our man in the NYS Senate Daniel Squadron will face off against City Councilmember Letitia James in the Democratic race for Public Advocate. Neither candidate achieved the magical 40% necessary to avoid the October runoff election.

Squadron’s campaign has run a robust schedule of TV ads and James released the hounds last month issuing a ‘fact check’ of the ads while calling her opponent a ‘failed Albany politician’. You don’t need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind will blow in this race over the next few weeks. Forecast: Mud, with a heavy chance of slinging.

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  • Pineappler

    A James supporter who was standing on the corner of Tilary and Clinton yesterday kept announcing that “Squadron is selling off our libraries.” Anyone know the veracity of this?

  • Lady in the Heights

    This is from the campaign about the libraries:

    Daniel is deeply concerned about BPL’s planned sale of the Brooklyn Heights branch and what it may mean for the community.

    Although the library itself is not in his district, it impacts countless individuals in his district and plays a critical role for the community and for Brooklyn.
    In fact, just the other month the Center for an Urban Future released a report highlighting how vital public libraries are, serving more people in more ways than ever before. Yet they’re too often undervalued and underfunded by policymakers.

    Daniel believes that it is unacceptable for there to be any period of time without an appropriate, comparable library for Brooklyn Heights residents. And in the long-term, Daniel believes that we need and deserve a library that is not just comparable to what we currently have, but a material improvement that will truly serve the community’s and our city’s growing needs.

    In addition, Daniel is– as he has always been — very concerned about true community involvement in development decisions regarding public property, whether we’re talking about the sale of a public library like this one or a hospital like LICH, or the many other cases in Brooklyn and around the city. There’s no question that the history, provenance, and public use of the land is an important fact that must be part of the conversation.

    Daniel look forward to continuing to work with the community to ensure that its needs are fully met when it comes to the library, and to protecting and expanding the neighborhood amenities that are critical to a sustainable and livable New York City.

    Be careful what you hear from someone on the corner.

  • Pineappler

    Thanks for the info. Squadron has had my vote since his first Senate campaign and still has it.

  • David on Middagh

    I read that press release as saying, “The sale of the library is basically a done deal, folks, so we’ll have a temporary facility during construction, and please, do speak your minds, for all the good that will do.”

    But I’m cynical.

  • David on Middagh

    Pineappler, I see words in that release (the limp “unacceptable”, the tip-off “comparable”, and the lip-servicey “true community involvement in development decisions”) that make me believe the street-corner shouter is right.

  • marshasrimler

    Dear Lady in the Heights
    You do not know Daniel like many of us do.
    He sold us out to the Mayor on Brooklyn Bridge Park after he moved here and got alot of people to work and support him
    promising he was against housing
    He has taken monies from David Offensend and co. who want to destroy our library. Their are many others in addition to myself who were manipulated by Daniel. What you see with Daniel is not what you get.

  • marshasrimler

    It is not a done deal and has to go through many reviews

  • marshasrimler

    Yes it is true he has caved to the put the library in the basement crowd

  • Lady in the Heights

    I actually know Daniel well and have the highest regard for him.

    To be honest with you, I think the library is a disgrace.I think we deserve a better, cleaner, more updated facility. getting a new library would serve our community very well.

    You were very outspoken about Steven Levin, who I also strongly supported. I don’t care for the guilty by association argument either. It’s too bad you won’t extend that to Squadron, too.

  • marshasrimler

    Squadron is all about himself.
    The library needs to be refurbished and modernized and it will be.
    The business library needs to stay in downtown where it has always been. It is not just about our little affluent community. It is about all of Brooklyn. I

  • HenryLoL


  • Susan Raboy

    I proudly voted for Daniel Squadron and will continue to do so. I did not appreciate the Save NYC Library group shouting at me and others trying to pass them on Clinton St on primary day. They have a right to their opinion but not the right to follow after me screaming even when I told then that I already voted. And one woman shouted in my face “Don’t you know who my husband is?”. Her husband is active in Cobble Hill and I do know him but his position has nothing to do with how I vote. It felt like she was threatening me and it sure isn’t the way to get me to change my vote. Which I won’t do. This post is about how we should treat each other with respect not threats.

  • Jonathan

    To better understand the difference between Tish James and Daniel Squadron on the issue of library sell-offs to real estate developers, BHB readers can check out this clip on YouTube:


  • Marathoner

    I’ve got my marshmallows ready…

    After Sandy, Squadron was in his district on the LES coordinating tremendous efforts to deliver crucial supplies to the hardest hit residents.

    I was among the volunteers delivering food, water and basic supplies to elderly and disabled people trapped in their buildings due to loss of power (no elevators and no lights in the stairwells.)

    We carried packs full of supplies up dark stairwells, as high as the 17th floor to residents without the ability to leave their home.

    Squadron’s staff was there with countless volunteers, the national guard was delivering truck loads of bottled water and supplies, and Squadron himself was there.

    Squadron’s working hard and doing right by NY and has earned my vote

  • James Lane

    Lane Says that WFP Tish James should Save City $20 Million by Giving Up Dem Line in Public Advocate Race: http://www.hotindienews.com/2013/09/13/40128