Tag Archives | hicks street

Queens Bound BQE Closed to All Traffic June 1-3

As reported by Mary Frost in The Eagle, all Queens bound lanes of the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway from Atlantic Avenue to Sands Street will be closed Saturday, June 1 through Monday, June 3. The bulk of the work will be done in two locations: near the foot of Grace Court and near the foot of Clark […]

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Upcoming BQE Lane Closures For Rehab Work

The New York City Department of Transportation has announced that the Queens bound lanes of the Brookyn-Queens Expressway will be closed between Atlantic Avenue and Sands Street from early morning Saturday, April 13 to early morning Monday, April 15 to accommodate repair work. During that weekend expect much more traffic on our principal southbound thoroughfare, […]

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Improvements to Pedestrian Safety

The Brooklyn Heights Association advises us that a new stop sign and crosswalk have been installed to aid pedestrians crossing Henry Street at Orange Street, and “DOT tells the BHA that this crossing will be updated to a traffic signal hopefully later this spring.” The BHA also notes that the City Department of Transportation is […]

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Garden Party at Poplar and Hicks Saturday

The Poplar Street Community Garden, located at Poplar and Hicks streets, will host a party this Saturday, June 17 from noon until 3:00 pm. You may “[e]njoy refreshments, take a tour of the garden, learn some tips to keep your plants thriving and listen to a book reading!” It’s all free. It is wth great […]

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An All Too Common Sight in Brooklyn Heights

This had traffic tied up and pedestrians re-routing at Hicks and Montague streets for some time early this afternoon.

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New Owner, New Chef for Jack the Horse Space

Our friends at the Brooklyn Heights Association have advised us that Chef Sean Rembold will be taking charge of the kitchen at the former Jack the Horse Tavern, at Hicks and Cranberry streets. Chef Rembold has twice been nominated for the James Beard Foundation award as best New York City chef. From his website: Originally […]

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Heights Café Becomes Giulia

What was the Heights Café, at Montague and Hicks streets, will re-open soon as Giulia, a restaurant featuring Italian specialties, and more closely tied to its next door neighbor under the same ownership, Dellarocco’s. We’ve heard, thanks to a neighbor who asked, that the burgers for which Heights Café was known will still be on […]

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Ice Cream Trucks a Problem?

Mary Frost, in the Eagle, has a story about DUMBO residents who “have had it with the noisy, fume-spewing ice cream trucks clogging their streets and sidewalks.” However, if you follow the link and read to the end of Mary’s story, you’ll find some reports of Brooklyn Heights residents complaining about noise and fumes from […]

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Did Robert Moses “Head Fake” Brooklyn Heights?

The received wisdom is that Robert Moses was determined to route the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway through Brooklyn Heights, following the route of Hicks Street, staying roughly on the course it had taken through Carroll Gardens and Cobble Hill, but that heroic resistance by Heights residents convinced him to try the innovative plan (where have we heard […]

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Travails of Eighteen Wheelers in Brooklyn Heights

Several days ago, your correspondent spotted this huge tractor-trailer rig trying unsuccessfully to turn from Montague to Hicks Street. Its way was blocked by a smaller bread delivery truck parked on the west (left) side of Hicks, close to the intersection. I didn’t stay around to see how this finally was resolved (I had to […]

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