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City Council Legislation May Have Little Effect on Helicopter Noise

In April we noted that the City Council was considering legislation that would ban unnecessary (tourist and charter) helicopter flights, including all such flights to or from the Downtown Heliport directly accross the East River from Brooklyn Heights, and the 34th Street (East Side) Heliport, which generate much traffic that passes above or near the Heights. Now, The […]

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DOT Reveals New BQE Plans

As we noted a week ago, the City Department of Transportation has new plans for the reconstruction of the BQE Central, the cantilevered portion of the Brooklyn Queens Expressway that runs below Brooklyn Heights, from Atlantic Avenue to Sands Street, and would hold two public forums, one in person on June 20, and one on […]

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City Council Hearing on Unnecessary Helicopter Flights Next Tuesday

Stop the Chop NY/NJ advises us that on Tuesday, April 16 starting at 10:00 AM the New York City Council will hold a hearing on proposed legislation that would ban unnecessary (tourist and charter) helicopter flights, including all such flights to or from the Downtown Heliport directly accross the East River from Brooklyn Heights, and […]

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Guess What? Another Delay For BQE Repair Work

The City Department of Transportation has advised us that the start of the interim repair work on the parts of the Brooklyn Queens Expressway below Clark Street and below Grace Court, which had been scheduled for this Monday, has been postponed a second time. DOT now hopes to start the work the week of August […]

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Jackhammering on the BQE Now Scheduled to Start Next Monday; Delays Could Push Repairs into Next Spring

As reported by Mary Frost in The Eagle Friday and linked in a comment by Mary Kim to her earlier post, the start of repair work to the cantilevered parts of the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway beneath Clark Street and beneath Grace Court was postponed for a second time, and is now scheduled to begin Monday, July […]

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BQE Interim Repairs Info Session This Thursday, July 20, 4 PM; Update on Work at Columbia Street Ramps

The NYC Department of Transportation will be holding a virtual meeting to discuss the BQE interim repairs. You can sign up for the meeting at this link. You can also view the DOT’s June 2023 interim repairs webinar powerpoint presentation at this link or watch the webinar on YouTube at this link. The DOT’s written update this week covered […]

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Update on BQE Repair Plans

Mary Frost in The Eagle has a comprehensive report on the Department of Transportation’s virtual community meeting Thursday evening discussing plans for interim repairs to the BQE this summer. Your correspondent also attended; here are some quick takeaways: 1. The work will take place at three locations: below the foot of Grace Court, below the […]

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BQE Work Starting Soon; “Virtual Community Meeting” Thursday Evening

We’ve been advised by State Senator Andrew Gounardes that the City Department of Transportation will start in July to do “significant and necessary repairs” to the cantilevered portion of the Brooklyn Queens Expressway that underlies much of Brooklyn Heights and the Brooklyn Heights Promenade. This is interim repair work simply to stabilize the existing structure […]

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Governor Vetoes Helicopter Noise Bill as Complaints Rise “Exponentially”

Note: Please click on “Read full story” below and scroll down for an important update. Gothamist reports — and thanks to reader Andrew Porter for alerting us to this — that Governor Kathy Hochul vetoed a bill that would have banned all “non-essential” helicopter flights from the heliport located in a state park on the […]

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Restler Introduces Bill to Ban Non-Essential Helicopter Flights

Last November, citing The City, we noted that there had been a large increase in complaints to 311 about helicopter noise. Now AMNY reports that City Councilmember Lincoln Restler (photo) has introduced a bill that, if enacted, would ban all “non-essential” flights from city owned heliports. This would include all commuter and tourist flights. Those […]

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