Tag Archives | con edison

Con Edison Reduces Power

Con Ed has announced a power reduction in certain areas of Brooklyn and Queens because of “equipment problems.” Your correspondent’s lights, in fact, flickered a short while ago (if you do lose electricity, call ConEd at 800-752-6633), which suggests that Brooklyn Heights may be one of the “lucky” areas. I’ve turned off unnecessary lights, shut […]

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Blackout on Middagh

Karl gets the video. “Both sides of street are without electricity from Henry [t]o Hicks excluding corner buildings on Hicks.

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Holezapoppin’ – Joralemon Street Manhole Fire Redux

FDNY is operating near Joralemon St. & Columbia Place now where several ConEd manholes have blown their top.  This is a replay of the events of January 18, 2010, in which several manholes exploded reportedly as a result of work being done on Willow Place by National Grid contractors. Update: BHB reader “Tarek” sends us […]

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Con Ed Called: We’re Back In Business

Con Edison just made a friendly automated phone call alerting Heights residents that the full power has been restored. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming in the A/C.

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Con Ed Issues Power Warning to Brooklyn Heights

The record heat is pushing Con Ed to the limit as this phone call urging consumers in Brooklyn Heights to limit power usage this morning demonstrates.  Con Ed says it will phone residents when the situation normalizes. Call 1-75-CONED  or visit www.coned.com for more information.

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Con Ed Asks Customers to Curb Electricity Usage

This was forwarded to BHB by Judy Stanton of the Brooklyn Heights Association: Alert issued 7/6/10 at 3:15 PM. Con Edison is requesting that all NYC customers conserve electricity by turning off equipment not being used, keeping air conditioners at 78-degrees, and running washers, dryers and dishwashers at night. If you lose electricity call ConEd […]

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Willow Street Treated to Con Ed Repair Work

Residents of Willow Street between Cranberry and Middagh have been treated to jackhammers, giant bags of rocks and no parking recently thanks to Con Ed repair work being done there.  Today there’s no parking allowed on the strip as this sign in a Con Ed van informed residents over the weekend.

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Smoke Forces Evacuation of 66 Montague

Today, residents of 66 Montague Street were, as one of them put it, enjoying a relaxing Sunday morning, reading the paper and drinking coffee, when the lights flickered and smoke started to infiltrate the building. The fire department was summoned and the building was evacuated until the smoke could be cleared out. According to fire […]

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Bus Ruckus on Clark Street

BHB reader “SM” wrote to us: Homer: There is something going on on the corner of Clark and Hicks. . . . I don’t know what, but lots of firemen mulling about . . . BHB Newshound/Superphotographer Marc Hermann has the answer:

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