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21 Grace Court Alley Now Up For Sale After Being An $11.5k Monthly Rental

The stately carriage house, number 21, at the end of Grace Court Alley, was marketed as a rental for $11,500/month ($138,000 annually) back in September. It is now on the market for $3.5 million for 2 bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, with parking, central AC, skylights, fireplace, W/D and three outdoor areas. The Brown Harris Stevens listing […]

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27 Cranberry Street Construction Featured In NYT Piece About Issues Facing Neighbors During Construction

What happens when you own a wooden, historic home in a landmarked area and new construction is scheduled in the empty lot next door to you? The New York Times finds out from Brooklyn Heights resident Elisabeth Cunnick, owner of 25 Cranberry Street.

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Mid-day Walk Photos

Having slept in for a while this morning, I got a somewhat later start than usual on my Saturday walk, heading out shortly before noontime. As I walked, I noticed that the Forsythia, which were just beginning to bloom last week, and pear blossoms, which were not to be seen then, were profuse along Hicks […]

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VIDEO: What Some Of The Empire Stores Proposals Would Look Like

The design proposals for Empire Stores in DUMBO are now online. Our Karl Junkersfeld has created a nifty video to walk you through all of the ideas.

Watch it and read the full presentation after the jump.

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Citizens Defending Libraries Plans Packed Slate Of Public Rallies April 13-20th

Citizens Defending Libraries, the Brooklyn Heights-based organization that is petitioning the city to stop selling public library real estate to private developers, has a full slate of rallies in the coming week. Neighbors forming the group have collected 8893 virtual petition signatures, demanding that the Cadman Plaza Library and its building, in place since 1962, […]

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Last Minute Weekend Ideas: Brooklyn Heights and Nearby

Brooklyn Heights Cinema, 70 Henry Street (corner of Orange) this weekend will be showing The Place Beyond the Pines, starring Ryan Gosling as a motorcycle stunt rider who turns to robbery to support his lover (Eva Mendes) and their child, and Bradley Cooper as the ambitious detective who pursues him. The Cinema is also continuing […]

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Brooklyn Historical Society Logging Superstorm Sandy Stories

The Brooklyn Historical Society is looking to collect “survivor stories” from Superstorm Sandy as part of a permanent collection at the Brooklyn Heights destination. Historians are searching for residents of diverse ages, ethnicities and occupations from shoreline neighborhoods in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island to talk about their experiences during and after the hurricane. The […]

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Ephemeral New York: Brooklyn Heights’ Fruity Streets

Ever-entertaining website Ephemeral New York offers a fresh reminder on the naming of Brooklyn Heights’ Cranberry, Orange and Pineapple streets, which has been long been a fruitful part of neighborhood lore. In its April post, the webbie offers: “The Columbia Heights section of Brooklyn Heights might be the most beautiful enclave in the borough. The […]

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NYC LPC On The 1965 Landmarking Of Brooklyn Heights

The NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission posted photos and a document related to the 1965 landmarking of Brooklyn Heights on its Tumblr account this week. View the photos on the LPC’s Tumblr. Our neighborhood was landmarked on November 25, 1965. In 2010, Brooklyn Heights preservationist and our own Karl Junkersfeld produced this video about the road […]

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Last Minute Weekend Ideas: Brooklyn Heights and Vicinity

Baseball is on again, and the Brooklyn Historical Society is hosting a celebration of the centenary of the opening of Ebbets Field, home of the Brooklyn Dodgers, this Saturday, April 6, starting at 2:00 p.m. A little ahead of the weekend, tomorrow evening (Thursday, April 4) starting at 7:00, BHS will present a lecture by […]

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