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Anchor Away at 76 Montague Street in Brooklyn Heights

The news I had feared and knew inevitable came with this Eagle story confirming that the owner of Friend of a Farmer, the restaurant that is moving into the space at 76 Montague formerly occupied by Design Within Reach, will remove the antique anchor (photo) that has been displayed in front of the building since […]

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Read MLK’s American Dream Speech Delivered at Plymouth Church in Brooklyn Heights in 1963

On February 10, 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. came to Brooklyn Heights. He delivered an address at Plymouth Church that he called “The American Dream.” Dr. King worked on the piece and it evolved into his historic “I Have a Dream” speech, delivered later that year on August 28 in Washington D.C. Read the […]

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Tale of the Tree: Columbia Heights Stump Reveals Fascinating Timeline

Two BHB readers alerted us to a bit of dendrochronology happening on Columbia Heights. The stump of a tree cut down near 157 Columbia Heights has been annotated by someone to reveal its approximate origin date (1885) as well as these historical events:

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Brooklyn Historical Society Announces Free Saturday Family Programs

The Brooklyn Historical Society will present a new series of free family programs each Saturday, starting at 11:00 a.m. The first of these will be tomorrow (January 17), and will be a “Handmade History” event in which “families will pick their favorite portrait in the We the People exhibit and return to the art studio […]

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CBS New York and Other Network Outlets Cover Pierhouse Foes Save the View Now

Two more local television stations reported today on Save the View Now, the grassroots group aiming to curb the height of Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pierhouse.

Watch their reports after the jump.

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Last Minute Weekend Suggestions: Brooklyn Heights and Nearby

This weekend the Heights Players premiere their production of Terry Johnson’s stage adaptation of the classic 1960s movie and novel The Graduate. Performances are Friday, January 9 and Saturday, January 10 at 8:00 p.m., and a Sunday matinee, January 11 at 2:00 p.m., at the Playhouse, 26 Willow Place. The play will continue through the […]

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Save the View Now Group to de Blasio: Toll Brothers’ Pierhouse is Stealing a View for the Masses

A member of Save the View Now, the Brooklyn Heights based group focused on curbing what they say is the over built Pierhouse at Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pier 1, has fired off a dispatch to Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Read it after the jump.

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Gawker Picks Up on the Pierhouse Controversy

As the members of the newly formed Save the View group prepare for their first large meeting tomorrow (1/3), Gawker has written about the controversy.

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Brooklyn Heights Man Mounts Campaign to Stop Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pierhouse

Brooklyn Heights resident Steven Guterman is not happy about the Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pierhouse project blocking the view of the Brooklyn Bridge from many area vantage points. He’s decided to do something about it and recently penned this letter looking for help.
Read it after the jump.

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What Changes are Planned for Truman Capote’s Old Digs at 70 Willow Street?

The owner of 70 Willow Street will be asking the LPC permission to make some changes.

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