About Homer Fink

The moniker is the “nom de blog” of Brooklyn Bugle Media founder John Loscalzo, who took it from a novel he read while growing up in Queens, NY. It was called, naturally, The Adventures of Homer Fink by Sidney Offit.“Loscalzo” may be familiar to those who grew up during the “alternative rock” era. He spent most of the 80s and 90s on great radio stations like WNYU, WPDH, WRCN, WDRE and WXRK (K-Rock) in New York as well as KROQ in Los Angeles. Loscalzo has also held executive positions at Billboard Magazine, Sony, CBS-TV and MTV.Loscalzo and the staff of Brooklyn Heights Blog were recognized by the Brooklyn Heights Association with a Community Service Award in 2011.

Author Archive | Homer Fink

Game of Cones: One Man’s Struggle at the Brooklyn Heights Haagen Dazs

The following is a Brooklyn Bugle reader’s account of their experience at the Montague Street Haagen Dazs in Brooklyn Heights.


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This “NYPD” No Parking Sign on Pierrepont Street Looks Legit, Right?

A BHB reader sent us this photo of a No Parking sign posted on Pierrepont Street and Columbia Heights. He comments:

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Marty Markowitz Will Guest Maître d’ at Noodle Pudding

This dispatch just in from NYC & Company:

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NYT Takes a Stroll in Brooklyn Bridge Park

The New York Times posted a feature about Brooklyn Bridge Park yesterday. The piece included an interview with the park’s landscape architect Michael Van Valkenburgh:

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Photos: HBO’s Boardwalk Empire Shoots on Monroe Place and Turns Back the Clock to 1931

HBO’s Boardwalk Empire filmed on Monroe Place today and will be filming in the vicinity at least through Monday. This is the final season of the drama starring Brooklyn’s own Steve Buscemi and early reports say that no character is safe.

Check out our photos and a SPOILER (sorta) after the jump.

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Is There Really an Islamic Connection to the Brooklyn Bridge Flag Prank?

So your Tea Party Facebook friends are doing a lap and high fiving each other right now over a “news” item about an FDNY employee confirming an Islamic connection to the Brooklyn Bridge flag prank, eh?

The Brooklyn Bugle investigates. Read what we found out now.

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Brooklyn Heights Connection to Twin Peaks Revealed in New Oral History

The new book Reflections: An Oral History of Twin Peaks includes memories from creator David Lynch as well as many cast members from the ground breaking 90’s drama. Warren Frost, who played Dr. Will Hayward on the show, once lived in Brooklyn Heights. Seinfeld fans will also remember him as Mr. Ross, the father of […]

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140 Cadman Plaza West Residents Still Bothered by Brooklyn Bridge Construction Noise and Dust

Last fall, a group of concerned residents of 140 Cadman Plaza West held a press conference (video) to express their dismay at the constant overnight noise from ongoing Brooklyn Bridge repairs. Nine months later, they’re now speaking out about health issues related to the construction: Brooklyn Eagle: “People are really suffering,” [Roberto Gautier] told the […]

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Open Thread Wednesday 7/23/14

What’s on your mind? Comment away! Share this Story: Tweet

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Tonight’s Brooklyn Heights Fireworks Courtesy Of..

Here’s the info on those fireworks you’re hearing tonight (7/22): Tuesday, July 22, 9:15 PM N.Y. Harbor Ellis Island Sponsor: Marriott International Share this Story: Tweet

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