About Homer Fink

The moniker is the “nom de blog” of Brooklyn Bugle Media founder John Loscalzo, who took it from a novel he read while growing up in Queens, NY. It was called, naturally, The Adventures of Homer Fink by Sidney Offit.“Loscalzo” may be familiar to those who grew up during the “alternative rock” era. He spent most of the 80s and 90s on great radio stations like WNYU, WPDH, WRCN, WDRE and WXRK (K-Rock) in New York as well as KROQ in Los Angeles. Loscalzo has also held executive positions at Billboard Magazine, Sony, CBS-TV and MTV.Loscalzo and the staff of Brooklyn Heights Blog were recognized by the Brooklyn Heights Association with a Community Service Award in 2011.

Author Archive | Homer Fink

Gothamist Covers Jack the Horse’s Expansion in Brooklyn Heights

Gothamist’s Jen Carlson gives big ups to Jack the Horse and its new addition JtH Nextdoor today:

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NY1 Hosts 52nd AD Debate or “I Will Shut Your Mic Off”

NY1 has posted the first part of its debate between the Democratic candidates for the 52nd Assembly District held on Monday (8/26) night.

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Elections Are Not Coronations: Brooklyn Heights Blog to Host 52nd Assembly Debate with Democratic Candidates

In case you hadn’t noticed, there are several Democratic candidates vying for the nomination in the 52nd Assembly District. Since this is Brownstone Brooklyn, the Democratic nominee is generally the de facto winner of the general election (Hey is there a GOP candidate? No, seriously is there one?).

So what are we going to do about it? Hold a debate!

Enjoy the official press release here:

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84th Precinct Police Blotter 8/20/14: Here Come the Brooklyn Bridge Park Crooks

The Brooklyn Paper’s Police Blotter for the 84th Precinct this week sheds some light on a new leisure activity at Brooklyn Bridge Park — CRIMIN’ . Folks, we know you’re sophisticated urban dwellers so we assume that the need to watch your belongings at all times in a public setting isn’t a shock. That said, behold this passage from the B’Paper’s blotter:

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Open Thread Wednesday 8/20/14

What’s on your mind? Comment away! Photo: Mrs. Fink Share this Story: Tweet

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Brooklyn Heights Parents Open Thread 8/16/14

Live in Brooklyn Heights? Have kids? Here’s a place to ask questions, talk about fun things to do in the area, new discoveries and general parenting “stuff”. (Note: This is NOT the place to bring up “bad nannies“, “rude mothers”, “entitled parents“, “double wide strollers” etc. The place to talk about those topics is EVERYWHERE […]

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The Brooklyn Paper Ponders Orange Markings on Freshly Repaved Clinton Street

No one seems to know what the orange markings on Clinton Street mean. The Brooklyn Paper notes that they appeared on the freshly repaved stretch near Pierrepont Street recently. Such markings usually indicate that the pavement will be jackhammered to facilitate work on utility, gas, cable, phone, water or electric lines running under the street. […]

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Someone Who Hates Obama is Defacing Brooklyn Heights Area Mailboxes

A BHB reader has uncovered what could be an Obama hate group conspiracy or the work of one really bored person. You decide:

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So What Do You Think About the New York Times Op-Ed on Brooklyn Bridge Pier 6 Housing?

The New York Times weighs in today on the controversy about the housing planned for Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pier 6.
What do you think of their take?

Comment away!

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Open Thread Wednesday 8/13/14

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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