About Homer Fink

The moniker is the “nom de blog” of Brooklyn Bugle Media founder John Loscalzo, who took it from a novel he read while growing up in Queens, NY. It was called, naturally, The Adventures of Homer Fink by Sidney Offit.“Loscalzo” may be familiar to those who grew up during the “alternative rock” era. He spent most of the 80s and 90s on great radio stations like WNYU, WPDH, WRCN, WDRE and WXRK (K-Rock) in New York as well as KROQ in Los Angeles. Loscalzo has also held executive positions at Billboard Magazine, Sony, CBS-TV and MTV.Loscalzo and the staff of Brooklyn Heights Blog were recognized by the Brooklyn Heights Association with a Community Service Award in 2011.

Author Archive | Homer Fink

Open Thread Wednesday 9/10/14

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Newspaper Thief Caught on Tape in Brooklyn Heights

BHB contributor/Pierrpont Street resident Peter Kaufman tweeted us surveillance video of a man stealing newspapers from his building’s lobby. NYPD has been notified.

Is this some sort of recycling racket or is the alleged paper pilferer a real news junkie? You decide.

Video after the jump.

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Squibb Park Bridge Needs Repairs – Will Re-Open In 2-3 Weeks

Many BHB readers have asked about Squibb Park Bridge, which has been closed – ostensibly due to the construction of the Pierhouse – for the last few weeks. Now comes word from Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Belinda Cape that there’s another issue as well:

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Brooklyn Heights Blog Reader Endorsement: Jo Anne Simon in New York’s 52nd Assembly District

The BHB Readers have spoken – Jo Anne Simon is their pick in the 52nd AD Democratic primary tomorrow (9/9). RELATED: Where to cast your vote on Tuesday With 63% of the vote, Simon convincingly distanced her challengers activist Pete Sikora and Brooklyn Heights resident Doug Biviano in our online poll. BHB Candidate Interviews: Jo […]

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Where to Cast Your Vote in the Democratic Primary on Tuesday September 9, 2014

Democrats will be selecting their nominees for Governor and State Assemblymember on Tuesday September 9. To check out where your polling place, go to NYC’s Pollsite Locator. View sample ballot here. Share this Story: Tweet

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Justin Bieber Piñata On Sale at Key Food in Brooklyn Heights

And we thought the big news at Key Food on Montague Street was the announcement of a Dietz and Watson food truck visit on September 11. Now comes word via Twitter of a Justin Bieber piñata on sale at there. This, friends, is something the whole world wants and needs- the chance to smack ol’ […]

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Reader Report: “Gangs of Men” Vandalizing CitiBikes Saturday Night

A reader just tweeted us alleging that “gangs of men” were vandalizing CitiBikes along Columnbia Heights tonight (9/6) around 10PM.


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The New York Times Covers Mocha Hookah in Brooklyn Heights

The New York Times covers Mocha Hooka [183 Atlantic Avenue] today. Brooklyn Heights residents’ first reaction might just be “that place is still there?”

Is this truly a “neighborhood joint” as the Times’ series suggests? Are we missing something?

Apparently, yes. But it’s not what you might think.

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What Do You Think About Racked’s Recommendations for a ‘Perfect Saturday’ in Brooklyn Heights?

Racked took a stroll through Brooklyn Heights and gives their view of how spend a “Perfect Saturday” shopping and strolling in Brooklyn Heights. One tip is a new shop on Atlantic Avenue:

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Watch Candidates for the 52nd Assembly District Talk The Simpsons, Buzzfeed and Netflix at Brooklyn Heights Blog Debate

All politics is local – but how connected are politicians to “the locals?” Most everyone we know has watched The Simpsons, is either addicted to or hates Buzzfeed and they’ve definitely binge watched something on Netflix (House of Cards, Orange is the New Black etc). BHB Candidate Interviews: Jo Anne Simon | Pete Sikora | […]

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