Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • toast

    hello! I saw that the urban outfitters on Atlantic closed. Any idea what happened there? Any ideas what's coming next?

  • bkinhouse

    anthropologies is opening.

  • toast

    cool! anyone know of any other exciting openings?

  • Benji

    A local New York Times reporter’s dog was killed last month in a hit-and-run. The dog walker and other dogs were also injured. She notes it was a jeep turning left in front of her child’s school.

  • Matt

    The MTA Bus Drivers that end their routes by the Court Houses constantly park their busses in front of the Crosswalk and Street Lights making it impossible to see when the light changes. Besides 311, is there somewhere else we can report this?

  • MaggieO

    noted this morning that they're creating a larger pedestrian safe area at the corner of Court and Atlantic in front of Trader Joe's. Not sure if they'll actually change the sidewalk width or just put up some stanchions and paint a safe area on the street but anything to help pedestrians on that corner is welcome!

  • gc

    They have a street light system on that corner that is very dangerous.
    West bound traffic on Atlantic Ave has a turning light arrangement where through and turning traffic gets a green light while traffic heading east on Atlantic gets a red light.
    Pedestrians on southwest corner (Trader Joe's location) see the Atlantic Ave traffic in front of them stop and assume lights are red in both directions. In fact they are only red for Eastbound traffic. They start crossing, get halfway across Atlantic Ave and bingo, traffic still flying westbound. Sounds a little confusing and it is, and also very dangerous.

  • gc

    Noon on Friday and the helicopter noise from the Wall St helipad is out of control.

  • MaggieO

    oh i know it so well! i cross nearly every day during the schoolyear with my kid. the westbound traffic turning onto Court can also catch folks off guard but at least that's a narrower street so you can scoot across relatively quickly if you realize you went too early, unlike Atlantic, which is a beast to cross.

  • Sweeties

    I guess "Mad for Chicken" has shuttered.

  • Effective Presenter

    Another "for rent" sign on Montague Street.

    That is unfortunate for Teresa the successful Brooklyn Heights businesswoman who we knew for years regulars at Teresas Restaurant.

  • Effective Presenter

    We had the car packed ready to depart 9pm Thursday night a weekend down the shore away from the chopper noise.

    In recent weeks helicopter noise has not stopped out of control.

  • Arch Stanton

    Surprised it lasted as long as it did…

  • AEB

    Yes. One visit/sampling was enough for me. Yet, you feel it could've found an audience. It seemed "under-promoted"……

  • Banet

    Ella Crown Bakehouse (home of Levain Bakery-style giant buttery cookies) on Atlantic between Clinton and Henry (Brooklyn Heights side) has folded. This likely isn’t a surprise to anyone but sad to see a good dessert stop for my kids to go away.

  • NeighboorHood

    Curious. Do pedestrians have a “walk” signal to cross when the traffic has the turn light or would they be crossing against the walk/don’t walk in this scenario you describe?

  • Banet

    Maybe if it was located a few blocks further east. But I suspect 80% of the neighborhood never knew it existed.

  • gc

    They would be crossing against the don't walk signal. Not sure if they notice the signal but lots of folks do start crossing. To my way of thinking: if you want to keep the turn light then the through traffic green light should be be done away with. Just too dangerous.

  • NeighboorHood

    Yeah that’s how I remember from crossing there all these years. I agreed it’s a busy intersection and nobody knows how to drive anymore but it’s quite apparent that nobody knows how to cross a street anymore, either but nobody holds pedestrians accountable to any standard of responsibility. Cross at the crossing wait for the light look both ways while crossing and don’t be on your phone? Is it too much to ask people to take responsibility for their own safety upon themselves as well as imposing it on everyone else? It has to work both ways if the goal is pedestrian safety in my opinion. Thx for the reply🙂

  • Red Leader

    The owner is going to sell cookies out of their Manhattan restaurant. Unfortunately I didn't get the name of it when I was talking to them but I'll dig and see if I can find it. They will be missed thats for sure! Great banana pudding there as well.

  • Red Leader

    Do we know what corner it was and is it known to be dangerous?

  • Red Leader

    Do we know what corner it was and is it known to be dangerous? My heart goes out to the family. Hopefully if it is a dangerous corner something can be done.

  • Banet

    Sadly, it looks like it’s just going to paint. Which is sad because it won’t make anyone safer and in fact, is already leading to people standing on the (painted) pavement waiting to cross.

  • Willow by the Bay

    I'm surprised to not see any discussion of the horrid Italian student tour group Accademia Britannica, an organization's with such oafish colonizing behavior it's impossible to avoid presence in the neighborhood pales only to the gross pretensions of its name. With hundreds of impolite students who move en masse, make no way on sidewalks and literally push residents (and dogs) out of the way, they clog up Clark St station (always, ONLY) at rush hour blocking elevators and stairwells. They've now taken to gathering and blocking pedestrian access on the north end of the Promenade for loud presentations late at night, and hanging outside their temporary residence after midnight making a racket one can hear clear up Columbia Heights. They've gone way past a nuisance. They prove that American tourists aren't the only bad tourists out there… and perhaps like Barcelona, we should invest in water guns.

    Groups like this should be fined for continuing to use public resources for private purposes. Where's the BHA? They should be fighting against our neighborhood turning into a garbage can for impolite, trash throwing, throngs of unsupervised entitled teenagers who confuse their time in NYC with summer camp without a curfew, with zero rules, mores, or repercussions. The group's handful of "adult" supervisors are useless and literally give zero F&%^. Apples don't fall from this tree.

  • MaggieO

    hoping their storefront on Smith street is still open, that one delivered better, fresher, tastier chicken.

  • MaggieO

    oy. not even stanchions? that's unfortunate.

  • Effective Presenter

    Thank you for your observations.

    It looks like we will stay in Sea Girt, New Jersey a few more weeks until these people are gone.

  • Peter Scott-Thomas

    I did some digging but came up empty. I wonder if there was a communications glitch. A Manh. restaurant has the same owner ?? as a cookie store on Atlantic.

    But Google turned up this funny and slightly related link:

  • Peter Darrow

    And we, ironically, will stay in Italy where fully intend to behave.

  • Red Leader

    Yes I was talking to one of the employees and they mentioned the owner would sell them out of their restaurant, which if memory serves, is Korean? Don't quote me. It seems the owner is named Yoon. Here's their insta page, which conveniently doesnt mention specifics but one of the commenters says something about a new location in FiDi