Repast Baroque Ensemble Returns Next Wednesday With “Shipwrecks and Sea Shanties”

The Repast Baroque Ensemble will return to Brooklyn Heights next Wednesday, May 22, for a concert, “Shipwrecks and Sea Chanties,” that ties in nicely with the Heights’ maritime heritage. Repast’s core group, consisting (left to right in the photo) of Stephanie Corwin on bassoon, Gabe Shuford on harpsichord, Sarah Stone on cello, and Natalie Kress on violin, will be joined for this concert by Shelby Yamin on violin, and by bass-baritone Paul Max Tipton.

Sea shanties were a part of the everyday life for sailors and seafarers; they were as entertaining as they were practical, designed to help coordinate the crew as they performed everyday tasks such as hoisting sails, hauling anchor, and manning the pumps. On the other hand, naval songs celebrating the bravery of naval triumphs and romanticizing the mariner’s life, were as popular on land as at sea. Singing songs of jolly old England’s naval prowess, bass-baritone Paul Max Tipton joins Repast for a program of music by Locke, Purcell, Arne, and Dibdin.

The concert begins at 7:30 PM at the McKinney Chapel of the First Unitarian Congregational Society, 121 Pierrepont Street. You may purchase tickets here.

Photo: Russ Rowland

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