Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Cranberry Beret

    Caffe Buon Gusto is re-opening in the former Amy’s Bread/Tazza space on Henry near Atlantic

  • Banet

    In the last week I saw:

    – A ~3 year old child led to urinate between two parked cars on Court Street at 4 in the afternoon. A half dozen restaurants were within a 1 minute walk and the family, while possibly recent immigrants, likely would have been granted access to let their toddler pee.

    – A ~50 year beggar urinate against the side of the Bossert. It’s that older, balding black man who asks you to “help him out” in front of Key Food or the Bossert corner and when you decline, frequently curses at you.

    – A different ~50 year black (likely homeless) man squat and defecate on a quiet stretch of sidewalk.

    In my ~25 years here I’ve rarely seen someone urinate, never seen someone defecate, and certainly never seen 3 bodily functions in single week.

    What is going on???

  • MaggieO

    i noticed the awning up the other day! hooray!

  • LP

    Anyone else hear an almost constant (like throughout the night even) beeping/squeaking sound echoing around the nabe? I’m on Montague, but can’t tell where it’s coming from. CM Restler’s office says it’s the Bossert, but I don’t hear the sound when I pass it by.

  • BKMook

    Anyone know when the Cadman entrance of High Street Station will reopen? Any intel?

  • Banet

    “Summer” according to Lincoln Restler’s newsletter. So assume Labor Day and be pleasantly surprised if it’s any sooner.

  • Andrew Porter

    My street in this top photo. The house on the left has a grand piano in the window, and the owner collects classic cars—none of which they park locally.

    Here’s the same view, of 13 Pineapple in a 1932 photo. In the left rear you can see the house where Truman Capote lived in an apartment:

  • Andrew Porter

    The BHA sent out e-mail stating,

    “The Cadman Plaza West entrance/exit to the High Street A/C station will continue to be closed until early Summer 2024. The project is continuing to replace two of the escalators at this side of the station, as well as continuing work at the mezzanine level to support the escalators’ operation at the station.

    “The overall project is still scheduled for completion in Summer 2024, when the new escalators will be available for customer usage.

    “If you have any questions, please contact Andrew Inglesby, Assistant Director, Government and Community Relations- NYC Transit.”

  • AEB

    I have a half-fare senior citizen’s Metrocard, which I refill as needed. Today, when attempting to do so at the Clark St. station, I was informed by the machine that does such things that I could only buy a singe-ride card, full price. Having to travel on the subway, I did.

    Attempting to return home, I repeated this procedure at the Broadway and 79th St.and Broadway station. Again, only a one-time ride was available. What the?! If one machine can’t perform as it should, can no other in the system? That means a lot of senior citizens will be forced to pay more than they should.

    I imagine a refund might be available, but to do the legwork to get it would require a special sort of courage and tenacity I, for one, don’t possess.

  • gc

    You might want to consider applying for OMNY reduced fare. Uses tap and go credit or debit card or smartphone. I seem to remember applying through the mail. Google for application. Almost painless and has worked every time.

  • AEB

    Thanks, gc,

  • Karen and Chad

    Curious what those on the board think of this redevelopment plan and its impact on BQE traffic/pollution and trucks in the Heights?

  • Sweeties

    The vacant store at 145 Montague, below the short-lived BK Lobster has an alarm that’s been beeping for months (years?) now.

  • Kit

    That was my block also, for 13 years. Loved looking out the window to that north side of Pineapple or walking in on sunny weekend afternoons.

  • Angela De Marco

    I posted observing this on this platform over a year ago. Child urinating on street. Received a surprising amount of pushback on why I found this disturbing. For those of you who voted for Bill De Blasio, you can blame him. He made it possible in j2017 by decriminalizing it with his Criminal Justice reform act. Now it is just a way of life. Sad but true as Banet points out in this post. Thank heavens someone else is offended.

  • eg310
  • Arch Stanton

    Luck I suppose? LOL.
    Anyway, as far as the child, this was common practice years ago, so nothing shocking to us “old timers”. Besides, many restaurants do not allow non-customers to use their bathrooms.
    As for the homeless; What are they supposed to do, where are they supposed to go, given that NYC has virtually no public restroom facilities?

  • Linda Bechutsky

    Has anyone tried the new izakaya or yoga studio on Montague Street?

  • Banet

    As far as restaurants letting “non-customers’ use the restroom I was never once turned away when I asked throughout the toddler years of my kids. Granted, I have a bit of privilege but this toddler’s family was perfectly presentable.

    Also, it’s much easier to use restaurant bathrooms these days because all the additional outdoor seating makes it hard for the indoor staff to know who’s coming from an outside table versus just walking in off the street. Trust me, I walk in and use restaurant bathrooms ALL the time. No one has EVER stopped me.

    In terms of the homeless, I completely agree — this city (and most every U.S. city) lacks well located public restrooms. But the defecator was a 3 minute walk away from the Pierrepont Playground bathroom and a 5 minute walk from the Pier 5 Upland bathrooms. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that it was a bit of an intestinal emergency.

    For the grouchy panhandler, he was less than a 2 minute walk from the Pierrepont playground restrooms. There’s just no excuse.

  • TMH Brooklyn

    Hi everyone. Just a reminder that the 15th Annual 4th Window Concert will be taking place this Sunday at 4 PM at the corner of Henry Street and State Street in Brooklyn Heights. Original piano arrangements or Rock, Pop and Broadway classics will be performed by neighborhood kids. Very entertaining and a lot of fun. Seating provided. Beverages provided. Fun provided. It’s live and it’s free. Hope to see you there. The Music House

  • Andrew Porter
  • Andrew Porter

    I commented on the Eagle site about this:

    There was once a cold storage facility on the piers just south of the Brooklyn Bridge, torn down for Brooklyn Bridge Park.

    The decay of Red Hook was the fault of the Port Authority, which decades ago announced plans for a major container port. The neighborhood was allowed to fall into ruin, esp. after Robert Moses rammed the BQE through the area.

    Then, when most container facilities were moved to Elizabeth, NJ, Red Hook was left with unused and empty docks, partially restored when Ikea and other retailers moved in.

  • Andrew Porter

    Paywalled, but the core of the article states, “The Chetrit family now hopes to … reopen the [Bossert] after an investment firm purchased the $112 million note against the property…

    “The Chetrits are in talks with the new owner of the note, Beach Point Capital Management… If the talks are successful, the hotel could reopen in as little as six months.”

  • Grace Court Jester

    I miss that penne alla vodka!

  • Fiona

    The izakaya is pretty good! Went for lunch yesterday. Reasonably priced too.

  • fultonferryres

    The MTA website has more specific dates than either Lincoln’s newsletter or the BHA. It shows that one escalator will be back in service on June 1st, but the replacement of the other two will not be completed until September 11th. .

  • fultonferryres

    Only one escalator will initially be available when the Cadman entrance reopens in June. September 11th for the others.

  • fultonferryres

    The weed shop at 64 Henry was closed by the NYC Sheriff for the third time on Wednesday.

  • Effective Presenter

    When Buon Gusto had been new on Montague Street a woman names Wei, or Way, a pretty Asian woman had been a manager, maybe the owner, is Wei still at Buon Gusto?

  • Karl Junkersfeld

    I love ChatGBT.

    When I typed my name followed by Brooklyn Heghts in the search, this was the result:

    Karl Junkersfeld is known for his video series focusing on Brooklyn, particularly Brooklyn Heights. His videos often feature neighborhood tours, historical insights, and commentary on local events and developments. Brooklyn Heights is renowned for its beautiful brownstone buildings, tree-lined streets, and stunning views of the Manhattan skyline. It’s one of the oldest neighborhoods in Brooklyn and has a rich history, which Karl likely delves into in his videos. If you’re interested in Brooklyn or urban history, his videos are probably a great resource.
