Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Peter Scott-Thomas

    That IS amazing – you sure you didn’t write it yourself?

    More importantly, have you “hung it up?” … I get that some of your best work previously – even pieces under 10 minutes in length – probably took MANY hours to research & produce, but there IS a blog I think you’re familiar with which would be overjoyed if you “just” put your thoughts into writing…. You used to do the occasional “review” of this or that store, say. Revisiting some of the old ones 20+ (?) years later would be interesting, but writing about ones that are NEW to you and to many BHB readers would be FABULOUS.

    I’ll bet you could connect directly & easily with Claude and/or Mary.

    I’d even be willing to bet that crowd-funding would work to get you some expense money if that somehow got you to un-retire.

    (These days, you could probably dictate into your phone and wind up with just about publishable copy!)

  • South Brooklyn Boys

    I use it all the time. It helps me with my meeting notes (cleans them up for distribution) and my email responses to difficult & tricky people!

  • Karl Junkersfeld

    ChatGBT and Perplexity are amazing search engines. Revolutionary though scary with their potential power. We all are potential geniuses.

    Peter, I wish I had the energy to contribute like the old days. Also, I live in Downtown Brooklyn and don’t get to the Heights as often. Thanks for the thought though.

  • Peter Scott-Thomas

    Last try – until I forget this promise…. You were in our nabe JUST a day or 2 ago…. You could be “the man on the aisle” 5 times a year…. Plus, it wouldn’t kill you to eat out before or after a show and write about that….

    I just saw your video [but I’m just suggesting you WRITE] on the JTH Oyster Room – YT says it was 9 years ago. You began with “When Homer Fink, the beloved editor of the Brooklyn Heights blog, asked me to check out the new Jack the Horse Oyster Room extension, it was with great glee that I accepted the assignment.”

    Your words made this Jewish boy wonder what he’s been missing all his life.

    If you listen really hard, you can probably hear Homer asking you why you aren’t still writing (regularly … for the BHB!)

    It’s clear that you haven’t lost a single cerebral step!

    Plus, it’s not like you moved to Queens. Get back in the game with 4 columns about where to go/what to do in Dobro! You wouldn’t have moved there if it had nothing going for it.

  • Heightsman

    i remember Wei,