Tag Archives | brooklyn-queens expressway

City Council Member Levin Talks BQE Rehab on WNYC

In case you missed it, the BQE rehab was the topic of the day on ALL OF IT with Alison Stewart on WNYC on October 4th.  A new show, ALL OF IT “is a live daily conversation about culture and the culture in and around New York City.” Transportation reporter Stephen Nessen gave a breakdown […]

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DOT/BQE Meeting: New Location

According to the BHA, Thursday’s meeting has been moved  to the Ingersoll Houses Community Center at 177 Myrtle Avenue at the corner of Prince Street.  The meeting will begin at 6:30 and doors open at 5:30 PM.  

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BQE Rehab: Promenading No More?

New buildings, endless construction, and the opening of Brooklyn Bridge Park have led many Brooklyn Heights residents to wring their hands and gnash their teeth about “progress” in the neighborhood. They ain’t seen nothing yet. Scrolling through my Twitter timeline yesterday, I came across this horrifying news: The city may have to shutter the Brooklyn Heights […]

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BQE Rehab Update in Metro Tech Monday Night

On Monday, Dec. 11 at 5 pm, the Department of Transportation’s Division of Bridges will present an update on the BQE rehab project, including information on the project’s progress and 2018 next steps. The event takes place at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, 6 Metro Tech Center, the Maker Space Event Space, 1st Floor. RSVP […]

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Is The Brooklyn Heights Historic District a Mistake? Heights Resident Sandy Ikeda Thinks So

Sandy Ikeda is a professor of economics at SUNY Purchase, and a resident of Brooklyn Heights. He’s also a very personable and bright guy, as your correspondent can attest, having gone on two Jane’s Walks through the Heights that he led, one several years ago and one this April. On each occasion he showed extensive […]

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NYC DOT Seeks Public Comments, Suggestions Concerning BQE Repairs

We noted earlier that the New York State Legislature, which has an unfortunate stranglehold on many matters affecting New York City alone, in its recent session failed to pass the legislation required to expedite the urgently needed work to repair the cantilevered portion of the Brooklyn Queens Expressway that runs below Brooklyn Heights and the […]

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Thanks to Albany BQE Repairs May be Stalled; Made More Difficult

The cantilevered portion of the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, below Brooklyn Heights and the Promenade, is in need of critical repairs. Concrete has eroded, exposing rusting metal reinforcements. The job will take years, and will require closure of at least parts of the BQE for long periods. Last year a City Department of Transportation Official told a […]

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Promenade “Likely” To Be Closed During BQE Re-Construction

DNAinfo reports that parts of the Brooklyn Heights Promenade might well need to be closed when re-construction of the BQE begins…whenever it will actually begin. “We would like to keep as much of it open as we can,” Bob Collyer, the city’s chief bridge engineer, said at a Tuesday night meeting. “If we need to […]

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City: BQE Repair Can Avoid Diversion of Traffic to Brooklyn Heights Streets

The Brooklyn Paper reports that City Department of Transportation project manager Tanvi Pandya told local residents at Monday evening’s community meeting on BQE reconstruction that testing by DOT shows that the cantilevered stretch of the highway that parallels Brooklyn Heights and sits partially below the Promenade can last another ten years before repairs would demand […]

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Public Meeting on BQE Reconstruction Next Tuesday Evening

The Brooklyn Heights Association notifies us that, next Tuesday evening, November 1, from 6:00 to 8:00, at the NYU Poly Tandon Auditorium on the ground floor of 5 MetroTech Center, the City Department of Transportation will hold a public information session on the planned rehabilitation of the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, particularly the cantilevered portion that runs […]

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