City Council Member Levin Talks BQE Rehab on WNYC

In case you missed it, the BQE rehab was the topic of the day on ALL OF IT with Alison Stewart on WNYC on October 4th.  A new show, ALL OF IT “is a live daily conversation about culture and the culture in and around New York City.” Transportation reporter Stephen Nessen gave a breakdown of the DOT’s BQE Project Update Meeting held on September 27th. Council Member Stephen Levin joined the candid discussion and took calls from constituents.  Have a listen:

Claude’s recap laid out the gist of the contentious gathering. Both DOT plans called for the closing of the Brooklyn Heights Promenade.  The “innovative plan” proposed a six lane highway to run in place of the 1.5 mile stretch. Many called for the DOT to swing the highway over Brooklyn Bridge Park citing that the BQE rehab should have been considered during the construction of the park. Others were in favor of a tunnel option. The take-away is an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) will be conducted and the conversation will continue over the next two years. Within a few days, The BHA issued a statement directing the DOT to “Go Back to the Drawing Board.”

Watch the DOT meeting in it’s entirety HERE:

EDIT: The post was revised to reflect the DOT’s “innovative plan” would replace the promenade with a six lane highway, not run adjacent to it.

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  • bqeer

    For those of us who don’t have 50 minutes, what did he say?

  • Jorale-man

    It looks like the Youtube clip needs to be resized. Maybe try the 560px wide version so it doesn’t overflow the border?

  • Banet

    The “innovative” plan isn’t for the highway to run “adjacent” the Promenade”. They proposing it runs in PLACE of the Promenade. Just to be clear, they’re proposing replacing the Promenade — for 6 years — with a 6 lane Interstate.

  • Jorale-man

    Just the fact that the city is calling this “innovative” shows the dubiousness of the whole concept. “Innovative” means being on the cutting edge of engineering and urban planning. For that, look to Europe and parts of Asia, where highways today are often tunneled under cities, reducing the effects of noise, pollution and congestion.

    They should call this “retrograde,” because it represents a 1950s and 60s approach to urban planning.

  • Brixtony

    I think many people are missing something obvious about this debate which is: whatever the plan is to rehabilitate, repair, replace or eliminate the highway, the Promenade will have to be closed for some time since it’s the top layer on a triple level structure that’s falling apart. This will also apply to the Chapin park and other amenities such as the Hillside Dog Run, which are located on or right next to the infamous triple cantilevered rust pile. For example, if a tunnel is Plan C, how will the Promenade exist if there is no highway below it? Or could the whole thing be reconfigured into the Brooklyn Heights Highline?

  • gc

    Not sure that I buy the contention that the Promenade is falling apart the same way that the lower two levels are. The Promenade has not had to support 24/7 truck and car traffic for almost 70 years the way the two lower levels have. Clearly the Promenade has not had the kind of upkeep it deserves but, to me, it could well be that what’s required is much more superficial than what’s required below.

  • SongBirdNYC

    Levin said many things. His portion of the program is only the first 20 minutes or so. It’s definitely worth a listen.

  • SongBirdNYC

    Had to look up the aspect ratio. Fixed, thanks.

  • SongBirdNYC

    Noted, thank you.

  • save

    Please sign up to fight the elevated roadway here:

  • Bob Grobe

    Mayor de Blasio says the temporary elevated roadway is the best option.Thanks to Julianne Cuba at the Brooklyn Paper for spotting the discussion during Brian Lehrer’s show on WNYC.

    De Blasio’s remarks are at 30:34 of the interview; here’s the link to the interview:

  • gc

    De Blasio is where the buck stops. He is at the heart of the problem. We need to confront him aggressively everywhere he goes. We need to be in front of him at his home, at his gym, and anywhere else we can find him.