Tag Archives | Brooklyn Independent Television

Homer, Jack the Horse Featured in Brooklyn Independent Television’s Visit to Brooklyn Heights

Brooklyn Bugle Media Kingpin John “Homer Fink” Loscalzo’s Hidden Brooklyn Heights Walking Tour is featured in the latest installment of Brooklyn Independent Television’s Neighborhood Beat focusing on the Heights. Also featured: recording artist Monet, Yoga People and Jack the Horse Tavern. Full episode after the jump.

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BIT Covers Hidden Brooklyn Heights Walking Tour

We spent the afternoon with the folks from Brooklyn Independent Television shooting a segment about Homer Fink’s Hidden Brooklyn Heights Walking Tour.  It’s for an upcoming show focused on our neighborhood scheduled to air in July.   BIT viewers will be wowed (ahem) by our tales of commies, hookers, crimes of passion and Yiddish radio. […]

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Brooklyn Independent TV Visits Marissa Alperin’s Jewelry Studio

Marissa Alperin Studio is located at 25 State Street, between Willow Place and Columbia Place, across from Palmetto Playground. This is another in BITV’s series on Heights residents, businesses, and institutions.

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John Manbeck Talks Heights History on Brooklyn Independent TV

John Manbeck, Heights resident, writer, and former Borough Historian, talks neighborhood history on Brooklyn Independent Television. This is another in a series of BITV pieces on Heights people, businesses, and institutions.

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Brooklyn Independent TV Samples Noodle Pudding

This is another in Brooklyn Independent Television’s series of short pieces about Heights people, institutions, and businesses. This one takes us into the popular Henry Street restaurant Noodle Pudding, where we meet owner Antonio Migliaccio and some diners, then to the kitchen, where chef Alfredo Musico Miccoli shows us how he prepares some dishes from […]

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Brooklyn Women’s Exchange Featured on Brooklyn Independent TV

This is the second in a series of short pieces that Brooklyn Independent Television made recently about Heights people and institutions (disclosure: your correspondent’s wife volunteers at the Exchange and is one of the speakers in this piece). The Exchange is located at 55 Pierrepont Street, between Henry and Hicks. There’s more to come in […]

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Brooklyn Independent TV on Joe Coleman, Whitney Ward, and the Odditorium

Brooklyn Independent Television recently interviewed artist and Heights resident Joe Coleman and his wife, Whitney Ward, and toured their Montague Street apartment, the “Odditorium”, with lots of views of Coleman’s paintings and the couple’s collection of bizarre curios. BIT recently did short pieces on several other Heights people and institutions; we’ll be posting them over […]

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Lassen and Hennigs Featured on Brooklyn Independent Television

Lassen and Hennigs‘ Thomas Calfa is featured in the latest Neighborhood Beat segment from Brooklyn Independent Television. Look for a “special guest appearance” by Montague BID’s Chelsea Mauldin.

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BHB’s answer to Chris Cuomo and Sam Champion – Claude Scales and T.K. Small – were featured last week on Brooklyn Independent Television’s A Walk Around the Blog.  The dynamic duo discussed the very serious situation at LICH. 

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On Cable Tonight: T.K. Small on LICH

This evening, Brooklyn Independent Television’s “Brooklyn Review” will feature an interview (conducted by yours truly) with loyal BHB reader and frequent commenter T.K. Small. T.K., a lawyer whose practice is focused on issues affecting disabled persons, will discuss the planned closure of portions of Long Island College Hospital and sale of some of its buildings. […]

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