Open Thread Wednesday 6/12/13

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Lois

    Sorry to start the day on a negative note, but something has to be done about all the potholes in the neighborhood – crossing Montague Terrace from Montague Street, which so many tourist cross is a disaster. And then there’s Court Street at Pierrepont – while checking for the cars making turns, you can easily miss the potholes there and end up laying in the street with a twisted ankle.

  • Pineappler

    Agreed. Hicks street looks post-apocalyptic in the north Heights these days. It’s not cars, bike or pedestrians.

  • cary

    you can file a pothole complaint on the 311 website, app or by calling 311.

  • Lauren Ryan

    Did anyone get woken up last night at around 4:45 am by a very loud, sustained noise near Clark and Henry? Sounded like it must have been some sort of construction but at such an odd hour. Really curious about what it was and hope it doesn’t happen again.

  • north heights res

    Any suggestions for restaurants with good gluten-free options in/near the neighborhood?

  • Chester Bumerfo

    “Next Door” app–anyone using it?

  • Gianluca

    Hicks street is orrible, and on top of that the new buildings are doing sidewalks not caring about what they do to the edge of the street. In Poplar street 20 Henry did a really bad job. People can get really hurt if they step down the sidewalk in the wrong place.

  • DrewBurch

    That looks interesting. Sort of like having a BHB Open thread 24/7. Are you using it? Are there many users in the neighborhood now?

  • Alec

    I think Noodle Pudding has gluten free pasta as a substitute.

  • Wrennie

    I have a small area rug that I’d like to have cleaned. Can anyone recommend a service?

    Also–what about steam-cleaning a couch?

    Thanks for any suggestions!

  • julie

    Come to the community fundraiser for the legal battle to save LICH. Friday June 14th – Atlantic & Smith.

  • north heights res

    Thanks, Alec.

  • Bloomy

    Armando’s can swap a gluten free pasta for any of the pasta dished on the menu. Ziggy’s had a few GF options, as well as a GF beer. Front Street Pizza in Dumbo does GF pizza and lasanga.

  • Topham Beauclerk


    I recommend Long Island Carpet Cleaning which, despite its name, is in Greenpoint.

  • regularmike

    I just came here to try to find out that exact thing. It happened a few times, and the first time it ended at around 4:30 AM. It sounded like someone was cutting down trees with a chainsaw.

  • Jorale-man

    Clinton Street is no picnic either, especially from Joralemon up through Montague. I hear the constant rattling of cars and trucks hitting them out my window, several floors up. Good to know about the 311 complaint options, @disqus_aNvs4wQPmI:disqus

  • Andrew Porter

    Pretty sure it was a garbage truck. I also heard a really loud one at about 3am.

  • Andrew Porter

    On Sunday afternoon, two DOT trucks came down Hicks Street, stopping periodically—and backing up traffic—to fill in potholes with asphalt patches.

  • Andrew Porter

    Many gluten-free options for sale at Perelandra on Remsen Street, and at Trader Joe’s. And think of the ambiance of dining in your own kitchen!

  • Guest

    Greenpoint, like all of Brooklyn and Queens, is on Long Island.