Our neighbors at Theater 2020 will present, as part of their Hearthside reading series, a free dramatic reading (not a staged play; the actors will be seated throughout) of Pierre Marivaux’s The Triumph of Love, an 18th century French romantic comedy, adapted and translated by Rod McLucas. The reading will be at the Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn Heights branch, 280 Cadman Plaza West, first floor auditorium (wheelchair accessible), starting at 1:30 Saturday afternoon, June 15.
Though largely ignored until lately, Marivaux is part of the great French canon that includes Moliere, Racine and Beaumarchais. Marivaux’s plays were airier and subtler than his contemporaries’, and because of his particular brand of theatrical fluffiness (termed “Marivaudage” by Voltaire in a fit of pique), he passed out of fashion and remained unperformed until the late 20th century. The Triumph of Love is his best-known play, and has been produced all over the country by prominent regional theatres.
Reservations are not required, but you can make one by e-mailing theater2020@gmail.com
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