Writer Ponders Walt Whitman as Social Media Pitchman

Our pals at W.W. Norton ponder what it would be like if Brooklyn Heights legend/poet/newspaper guy Walt Whitman was alive today and writing for Groupon, the social media deals thingy. For one thing, he’d WOULD SO be rockin’ that hipster haircut in the photo here and most likely ride his bike to work. And yes he’d TOTALLY order the hibiscus tea at Iris Cafe.

W.W. Norton: Buy One Round of Mini Golf and GET 2 ROUNDS FREE!

Roll on the turf! Let the spheres in their brilliant colors
explore the textures alive under foot. The angles and contours

are the very pleasures of existence! To see our world miniature,
without taking flight; the great challenge of humankind.

We’ll play until star fall is upon us and the smallest fracture
of wind moves the lighting bugs and serves as excuse.

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  • AEB

    This is my favorite Whitman photo. It’s ALL there, isn’t it?