Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Andrew Porter

    Targeted harassment. Reported to Disqus.

  • Arch Stanton

    Sounds more like an accurate observation to me.

  • Arch Stanton


  • Andrew Porter
  • Arch Stanton

    Glitzy, I like it!

  • Karl Junkersfeld

    “People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along?”

    Rodney King

    Nah, why should this blog be any different than the rest of the country

  • Bornhere

    I recall a discussion from decades ago about the pronunciation of "MIDDAGH." The exchange I just had may be as close to "the horse's mouth" as we might get:

  • Karl Junkersfeld
  • Arch Stanton

    Not sure what your point is? But you are kind of backing my point. The poorest 5k of those commuters would suffer a life changing fee in order to reduce traffic for the wealthier commuters. Got it.

    As far as the NYPD, et al. I don't have a problem with the parking placards for city employees, they generally don't get paid as much as workers in comparative private sector jobs. Perks like placards help level the playing field without eating much into the city budget. You should be thankful.

  • Claude Scales

    The mention of the XXX theater on Court reminded me of their marquee, which I walked past many times. For a long time, it said "TWO FIRST RUN BKLYN." Then, somehow, the S and T got transposed, and it became "TWO FIRTS RUN BKLYN." My thought: "I'd like to get to know those two firts." Then the T fell off and it became "TWO FIR S RUN BKLYN." Mentally moving the S a space to the left, I thought, "It used to be a big deal that a tree grew here. Now they've taken over."

  • clarknt67

    The point is prioritizing our city’s precious land and road space for 5,000 poor people who don’t live in our city of 8M people is ridiculous.

  • Arch Stanton

    Where do you get that those working poor folks "don't live in our city"? The article only said they lived in the "Outer Boroughs" as do we, in Brooklyn Heights.
    You have it backwards; Allowing equal access is not "prioritizing". Imposing a toll that restricts access to only the financially challenged, is the very definition of prioritizing.