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White Carriage House @ 165 Columbia Heights Being Restored To Original Brownstone Brick

Landmarks has approved restoration of a beauty of a carriage house at 165 Columbia Heights, which currently is adorned in white stucco. Curbed reports that the former Jehovah’s Witness property, which sold last year for $4.1 million, will be stripped of the facade—added in 1932—to restore the brownstone brick underneath. Ann Krsul is the architect […]

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Jack The Horse Tavern Looking To Expand On Cranberry Street

The stalwart Jack The Horse Tavern plans to open an adjoining retail store with overflow seating, according to a notice posted at the secondary locale at 37A Cranberry Street, the former space of Browning Frames. The beloved restaurant—located at at 66 Hicks Street at the corner of Cranberry—is seeking a license to sell and serve […]

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Whacky Faux Townhome @ 58 Joralemon Street Gets Another Plug

Many longtime residents of Brooklyn Heights are familiar with the wild, whacky, wondrous story of 58 Joralemon Street (also part of Homer Fink’s globally renowned Hidden Brooklyn Heights Walking Tour). The seemingly innocent Greek Revival townhome was built in the 1840s as a private residence and converted in 1908 to a giant subway ventilator, owned […]

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Long Island College Hospital Closure: What If…

Despite New York judge Betsy Barros’ temporary restraining order to keep LICH open for the time being, local developers are buzzing about the potential “real estate gold mine” that would result if the State University of New York indeed shutters Long Island College Hospital. The Brooklyn Paper offers a story today that notes, “The swath […]

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Romance On Brooklyn Heights’ Love Lane

In a Valentine’s story titled “Road to Happiness: Brooklyn’s Love Lane lives up to its name,” The New York Daily News offers two neighborhood tales of romance. Jim & Patricia Aliperti share how they met nearly 40 years ago, while George Heusinger talks about his nearly 40-plus-year romance with late partner, William. The Alipertis live […]

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New Condo Development 30 Henry Gets A Roofie

Before the snow came down last weekend, builders installed a new plywood roof over the pit at 30 Henry Street. Blog McBrooklyn offers an aerial view of the former Brooklyn Eagle building. DUMBO-based developer Fortis Manor purchased the homely one-story building at 30 Henry & Middagh in November 2011 for $3.5 million—$500K over its asking […]

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High-End Fitness Center Headed To 120 Clinton Street

Following a Community Board Two Land Use Committee public hearing in January, a special permit has been approved for a fitness center to open on the ground floor at 120 Clinton Street and the corner of Joralemon Street. According to Brownstoner, the minutes of the meeting note the locale would be “a high-end gym open […]

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Plymouth Church Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Dr. King’s Visit

This weekend is the fiftieth anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s visit to Plymouth Church, during which he delivered a sermon titled “The American Dream.” As Francesca Norsen Tate reports in the Eagle, the Church (Orange Street between Henry and Hicks) will mark the event with a forum beginning tomorrow (Saturday, February 9) at […]

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Daniel Squadron On LICH Closing: ‘Our Fight Isn’t Over’

State Senator Daniel Squadron has put up his dukes over Friday morning’s confirmation that Long Island College Hospital will be shuttered by the SUNY Board of Trustees and sold for real estate development. In a statement, he insists: “Our fight isn’t over. As I said yesterday, SUNY’s plan essentially turns a $63 million state grant […]

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SUNY Board Unanimously Votes To Close LICH

Following Thursday’s pro forma public hearing, the SUNY Board, as expected, unanimously voted Friday morning to shutter Cobble Hill’s 155-year-old Long Island College Hospital, at 339 Hicks Street. BHB will watch for updates throughout the day… UPDATE: 5 p.m.: Brooklyn Eagle reports that SUNY Downstate Medical Center President John Williams says LICH could close in […]

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