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‘Tis the Season for Lights

The lights on the menorah at the Montague Street entrance to the Promenade, sponsored by Chabad of Brooklyn Heights, are already shining. Tomorrow (Monday, December 2) at 5:30 p.m. there will be a ceremonial lighting of the giant menorah, also sponsored by Chabad, in Columbus Park in front of the Supreme Court building. Also tomorrow […]

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Problem Solvers Discussion at Transit Museum Wednesday Evening

This coming Wednesday evening, from 6:30 to 8:00 the Transit Museum, down the subway entrance stairs at Boerum Place and Schermerhorn Street, will hold the next in its series of “Problem Solvers” discussions. Hosted by transit blogger Ben Kabak of 2nd Ave. Sagas, this discussion will feature Randy Gregory, creator of the on-line project 100 […]

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See What The New Downtown Brooklyn Sephora Is All About In This New Video

When we think “spa day” we think Karl Junkersfeld. Okay we don’t, so it’s extra special that our man with a cam was courageous enough to visit the new Sephora in Downtown Brooklyn and file this video report.

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Last Minute Weekend Suggestions: Brooklyn Heights and Nearby

The Heights Players’ production of Twelve Angry Men premieres this weekend at the Players’ playhouse, 26 Willow Place, with performances on Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:00 and Sunday afternoon at 12:00. This now classic drama began life as a television show in the 1950s, was made into a movie (12 Angry Men) by Henry […]

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Banksy’s Sirens Of The Lambs at Brooklyn Borough Hall

There have been some wacky sights at Borough Hall, but the fact that this truck of stuffed animals may be attached to that are part of shadowy graffiti artist Banksy’s “Sirens of the Lambs” made many take notice. Including the Daily News—although they couldn’t verify that this was the work of Banksy, they did get […]

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Watch Videos And See Tweets From The 2013 Atlantic Antic

Check out tweets and videos from this year’s Atlantic Antic at the Brooklyn Bugle.

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The Daily Show’s Wyatt Cenac Shares His Fulton Mall Memories

Wyatt Cenac of Comedy Central’s ‘The Daily Show’ shares his ‘New York Memories’ with Time Out NY this week. The Texas born comic, who is also hosts a weekly showcase at Littlefield, talks about spending summers with his grandmother in Crown Heights and loving his visits to the Fulton Mall: TONY: When I was 19, […]

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Read What People Think Of The Changing Retail Landscape Of Downtown Brooklyn

The New York Times writes about the changing retail landscape of Downtown Brooklyn. As outlets like Shake Shack and H&M set up shop on Fulton Street, the older businesses which long catered to African-American and Caribbean-American customers are starting to disappear. The Times describes the history of the strip saying, “Fulton Street has been Brooklyn’s […]

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Colorful Greenmarket Bounty

Your correspondent visited the Borough Hall Greenmarket on Saturday, and his eye was caught by this array of tomatoes, green beans, and other colorful vegetables at the Central Valley Farm stand. More photos and text after the jump. Flowers and herbs were for sale one stand over. For the adventurous, there’s Bad Seed Hard Cider, […]

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Shake Shack Coming to Former Pete’s Location at Old Fulton & Water

According to the Daily News, Shake Shack will be moving into the spot previously occupied by Pete’s, One Old Fulton Street, at the corner of Old Fulton and Water streets, near the Pier 1 entrance to Brooklyn Bridge Park, in the Fulton Ferry Historic District. (The News piece quotes Shake Shack CEO Randy Garutti saying […]

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