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Signs of Progress? Bossert Replaces Awning

Just a week after Brooklyn Paper’s August 3rd missive on the never ending delay of the Bossert Hotel re-opening, the building’s tattered eyesore of an awning was removed without fanfare.  The property’s manager, Stephen Allen was later quoted in the publication on the 14th, “We’re restoring the frame, and putting it right back. It will look exactly […]

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Some Last Minute Weekend Suggestions

Tomorrow (Saturday, May 5) Brooklyn Bridge Park will be host to a kite festival, to be held on Pier 1’s Harbor View Lawn from noon until 2:30 PM. Admission is free. BYOK, or buy or make one there. There’s more information here. (Photo by C. Scales from 2013 festival.) Alert reader Andrew Porter has compiled […]

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“WATCHTOWER” Gone; Time and Temp Remain

The big red letters that spell out “WATCHTOWER” have been removed from atop the former Jehovah’s Witnesses complex (and before that Squibb pharmaceutical plant), but the time and temperature sign remains and functions. What will the building’s new owners put there? We shall see.

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Brooklyn Heights Showhouse A “Huge Success”

Following the cancellation of the Brooklyn Heights house tour because the age of ubiquitous social media made homeowners uneasy, the Brooklyn Heights Association is presenting Showhouse at 32 Livingston Street from 11 am – 5 pm every day except Monday through November 5. Last entry is at 4 pm. Showhouse features the work of more […]

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Witnesses Dispose Of More Brooklyn Heights Properties

The Eagle reports that L.A. based real estate investors Hawkins Way Capital have bought 117 Columbia Heights (photo), a Brutalist intrusion, by Ulrich Franzen, into a row of nineteenth century townhouses, three of which were also bought by Hawkins from Watchtower and, like 117, became residences for Witnesses. The sale seems to indicate that the […]

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Local Houses of Worship Open for “Sacred Sites” Tours This Weekend

This coming weekend — Saturday, May 20 and Sunday, May 21 — many houses of worship in Brooklyn Heights and nearby will be participating in the “Sacred Sites” open house program sponsored locally by the New York Landmarks Conservancy. Two that are offering special, pre-booked tours are the First Unitarian Congregational Society at 116 Pierrepont […]

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Coming at Brooklyn Historical Society

On Monday evening, May 8 at 6:30, the Brooklyn Historical Society will present “100 Clark Street: A Case Study in Navigating Building Codes, Gravity, and Landmark Preservation,” a panel discussion about the difficulties faced by owner Margaret Streicker Porres and architect (and former Brooklyn Heights Association president) Tom van den Bout (his professional partner, Brenda […]

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Two Montague Street Buildings Designated Landmarks

The Eagle reports that the Landmarks Preservation Commission has voted unanimously to designate two buildings on Montague Street’s “Bank Row” between Clinton and Court streets as city landmarks. We noted their nomination for landmark status last August. The buildings–181-183 Montague, the People’s Trust Company Building, now occupied by Citibank; and 185 Montague, the National Title […]

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DOB Approves Building Plans for Tower at Brooklyn Heights Library Site

Mary Frost of the Brooklyn Eagle reports that the Department of Buildings approved Hudson Companies’ plans for construction of a new 36-story tower at the site of the Brooklyn Heights Library. The plans include a smaller library branch, retail space on the ground floor, and 34 floors of luxury apartments. The tower’s future residents will have a […]

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Electeds, Preservationists Celebrate Brooklyn Heights Historic District at Plaque Re-Dedication Ceremony

Fifty years ago, Brooklyn Heights was designated a National Historic Landmark by the National Park Service. This distinction and the advocacy of many dedicated  preservationists, lead to the passing of New York City’s Landmarks Law in April 1965 and in November of 1965, Brooklyn Heights was designated New York’s first Historic District.  And so to […]

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