Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • DIBS


  • Willow L

    the Minsky, Matles, Zinberg team are from Douglas Elliman and they are part of the top 5 brokers in Brooklyn ! they frequently have rentals in and around Brooklyn heights. contact them!

  • Banet

    There are several new apps/websites that let you register as a dog-sitter for people looking for someone to care for their dog for a week or two. One is called Doggie Vacay I think. Check it out.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Thanks! I will.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    From a guy who has a wrong year/not preferred model of Rolls. I asked before why you don’t at least louver the hood and put glass packs on. Maybe some scalloping or nice pin striping…..

    Hey, why don’t you put an eight litre bently mill in there with turbos like on Jay Leno’s garage….

    But to your comment….most of you here wouldn’t know a dumb remark from the most through, well thought out observation.

    If any of you had ANY decernment one of you somewhere along the line have observed that there were several different people commenting through WSW. Not one of you ever ever detected that…geniuses all of you…

  • Willow Street Watch

    Which shelter did they get Archie, Studio, Dubs and someone who was just commenting at?

    Ugh, like the King used to say; Return to sender!!!

  • Willow Street Watch

    I know, now your going to tell me its a dog park and anyone looking on or seeking to pet an animal is a terrible disruption or an intrusion on your time…

    Amazing PC yuppieoid (non) thinking..

  • Willow Street Watch

    I’m amazed that even with some of the company present, I have to say this, but this guy ISN’T interested in money. That’s never the prime objec-tive of ANY of these people; the prime objective of any of these pathogens is to run thier street games with average productive citizens for thier own amusement and see how far they can go. That’s why the games/behavior if allowed, always gets worse and worse.!

    This is, let’s see how much abuse I can inflict on this area where I don’t and can’t live…it isn’t and never is about money or need, or “mental illness”….its about G games….

  • DIBS

    (((rolls eyes)))

  • DIBS

    Says the man with the multiple spelling errors throughout his comment.

  • StoptheChop

    the 311 system is useless, and understood to be useless– it’s actually been in place since 2010. As long as the helicopter is flying the permitted route, any and all complaints will be closed out. it’s much more productive to contact Levin or other elected officials, so they keep hearing our voice over the nonstop helitour noise pollution. (Incidentally, the purported “solution” — a backroom deal that the Mayor struck with the industry — will only reduce flight frequency to 2009-10 levels, which were understood to be a real problem at that time; will let the industry self-report frequency; and gave the industry a nonbreakable lease until 2021– extending the prior, revocable lease that was supposed to expire in 2018. So, we need to keep the pressure on the Council to pass the ban bill.) has more information

  • Jeffrey Smith

    This is wrong thinking. Yes, you can argue that drug laws have swelled the very profitable prison systems. But what is the alternative? To allow junkies of all sorts to walk free and further pollute our society. Confinement prevents further consumption and drug users of all sorts recruiting new people into thier poisonous “life style”..

    The real and only answer is in the area of restoration of family and religious life. We need the restoration of morality, ethics and spiritualityspirituality. NO legal or economic technology will help with America’s drug and substance abuse problem. We ALSO have to take a hard look at the chemical and energetic envi9rnment which has so effected things like endocrine balances and brain chemistry in this country, that people are far, far more susceptible to seeking street drugs to self medicate these man caused conditions.

    So this is a witch’s brew of factors, but the answer starts as it does in any society which wants to remain free, with morality, eth8cs and self control and individual responsibility!…..

  • Jeffrey eagle eye Smith….

    I never denied involvement with WSW, I only said it was primarily
    a neighborhood watch program, not that I was the only voice involved….

  • Concerned

    You’ll never know. Bwahahahahahahahah!!!!!!

  • Jefeiry Smoyh

    Some of us put copy in fast and don’t always use spell check, but all of my family and associates can THINK clearly…which seperates us from…well what’s mostly involved in civic affairs, policy making, and government tofay…..

  • che

    Actually, he is not teaching himself to read. He asked me how to say a word, and I felt “How could I not help someone who is trying to teach himself to read?”
    It was the first word on the page, and it was “cation.” He said “What does ‘cation’ mean?” I said “cation is not a word. There is the beginning of the word on the page before.” Sure enough, it was “forni-” and he was delighted that he almost got someone to say “Fornication” at which point he would ask me to explain that one to him. The “reading” thing is just another angle to harass women.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    I’ve also noticed a religious bent to his material, but I’ve never seen him do anything like that. Your experience sounds very unpleasant and I hope it’s not part of a pattern. Kind of seems to fall under the “mental illness” umbrella too.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Anyway…as long as him getting people to say “fornication” out loud is the worst of it…I’d like to see him get some real help. I cringe every time I see people give him money, because it only rewards his decision to encamp there and do whatever it is he does. I’ve given him warnings and even called the cops on him before, and first of all it didn’t feel good and secondly it proved ineffective. I don’t think we have a good system in this city for dealing with mentally unstable panhandlers. Perhaps if more of us tried to tell him to move along he’d at least find some other place to sit and annoy people, but for those of you who are familiar with my posts you know I don’t think that’s an acceptable “solution”, as it addresses a symptom rather than the problem, and in a somewhat irresponsible way.

  • Ben

    Has anyone noticed the brown paper on the windows at Bevecco? Do you know if they are closing? Renovating? Thanks!

  • Concerned

    SB, sounds like you need a religious bent, my friend. In the form of a come to Jesus meeting, where you finally figure out that there are jerks in the world that need kicked to the side and this guy is one of them. Quit defending the guy. The “help” he needs is a swift kick in the behind back to where he comfortably lives.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    1. Your first two sentences didn’t make any sense, as a joke or otherwise.
    2. There’s a not so subtle distinction between defending someone and not regarding them in a dehumanizing way. I suspect you’re capable of making this distinction but refraining from doing so because that’s what suits your rhetorical angle.
    3. If I thought that being mean to the guy and driving him away would be an effective solution I’d probably have done it already. This is probably also the reason that neither you nor anyone else have done so–not that it’s my job or yours to police him.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    4. Take a look around the thread. Are you ready to change your handle to Jeffrey Concerned Smith and claim you’re one of his family members commenting under his name? Because that’s how you’re reading on this issue. :)

  • Concerned

    C’mon SB. You’re going to make me part of the WSW crew, because I’m sick of you defending a guy who is a) a public nuisance and b) a sexual harasser? Well…so be it. Do I get a pretty arm band and brown suit?

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Again, I wasn’t defending the guy and you know it. As for the arm band and suit I think Hugo Boss black is a pretty smart look if you don’t mind the whole Gestapo thing, but you have to ask Jeff about putting one in the mail to you. If he’s unhelpful Arch seems to know a lot about him.

  • Concerned

    No. You’re right. I didn’t read all of your post because I am distracted by 1000 other things. I stopped reading at “get some more help”. I’m sorry.
    I’ll see you around the neighborhood! LOL!!!

  • AnonyMom

    Bevacco spliced off a piece of their enormous (and never full to capacity) restaurant and created a separate bar that serves cocktails and small plates. It had a soft opening a few days ago (maybe Wednesday) and I poked my head in and asked what’s what. The new smaller restaurant next door will have a new layout which incorporates a bar in the center of the space.

  • Arch Stanton

    You sound like a precocious twelve year old with Munchausen Syndrome.

  • AnonyMom

    Call the 84th Community Affairs team. That’s what they are there for (in part). Complaining about it here isn’t going to change anything.

  • Jorale-man

    Has anyone else noticed the balance of comments on this site lately? 0…1…0…3…117…0…1… Maybe we need more than one open thread a week given how much people seem to have on their minds.

  • Willow Street zw?atch

    While I don’t know this individual, y9u are describing classic street games The people I know and know of are almost never “needy” they are moral poverts, but otherwise they are in need of discipline.

    When ANY of this occurs, make the supreme effort to dial BOTH 911
    AND the 84 Precinct. 875 6811 stay on till they deign to answer. The exact thing you said?y is that “we have a disorderly man at_____ Montague Street. You have to describe how he is disorderly and shouting at passerby’s is a good start. If he is throwing his arms about that is important to say. If he is threatening anyone that is more serious_ look to see if he has any kind of object which can serve as a? Weapon. Say yo 911 or the pct ” he is armed with a ____________.
    (even if he is not a?ctivly using the weapon or potential weapon at the time of your call, that raises the priority of the call………