Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • thehappypineapple

    well said sir! It’s the FDNY! Moreover, they now have to cover thousands more people in DUMBO…..

  • Brixtony

    Confirmed by my research several months ago. Even found a picture. Search.

  • Concerned

    Lol. You already give yourself away at least twice a month. Just from today, we know you are a dog stalker who has a child who rings away on their scooter. As for me, I doubt I’ll ever give up my anonymity. I can only imagine the line of torches approaching my residence like an old Frankenstein movie…
    Although I would consider giving myself away if DIBS had an upstate retreat for the blog where we drank great scotch and drove around drunk in his bentley and ridiculed DiBlasio’s vision zero plan. That is, until DIBS notified us that we were actually prey for him and his rich friends to hunt on his private reserve. Only the joke would be on DIBS because he didn’t understand that our survival skills have increased ten-fold from having to survive summers on Joralemon street. So we turned the tables on DIBS and his rich friends, at which point at the climatic scene we end up in DIBS trophy room filled with mounted animal heads and just when we think we have DIBS finished he pulls out a derringer with Dick Cheney’s likeness carved into it and tries to shoot Redlola, who adeptly sidesteps the shot and puts DIBS down for good….I mean, THEN I would give up my anonymity. For sure.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    I love how fully thought out this is. I think you just wrote your audition script for the podcast.

  • Concerned

    LOL. I don’t audition, anymore. If you can’t see the talent from the start, I’m not going to waste my time…

  • Love Laner

    Fingers crossed!

  • Jeffrey Smith

    This is like the bicycle “culture” /near religion/lobby/saying that bikes on the sidewalk and the hundreds of serious injuries which have resulted is just “what you have expect” living in an urban environment.
    Really? (Here I’m restraining myself from the use of four letter words)
    If you swallow this garbage from the ‘zero carbon footprint’ darlings, you abandon the city to a pack of irresponsible jerks. Someone has the right to be a constant danger to everyone? Really? Its high time the police really start handing out tickets to the sidewalk surfers et al
    Oh, this comment is otre’ and not PC? Too bad.

    Just ask the legion of elderly sent to hospitals by these guys what the reality is here…..

  • Jeffrey Smith

    What so horrible is a free society depends on clear headed individual responsibility. Which, of course, drugs destroy.

    Freedom isn’t free…one of the costs or prices of freedom is ythay individuals disciplined themselves,, which again, all drugs tend to greatly discourage or prevent thexrrcise of individual pe4sonal control or one’s self. And when that happens…all through history, its hello slavery……

  • Jeffrey Smith

    When I was young we had a BIG collie called Rex. He was born in Morrocço where my Air Force Coronel uncle was stationed. He was flown back here (at your expense) but my cousin had airway problems so Rex was brought to our door. He was welcomed into our family. He was a great guard dog and a ferocious fighter, he almost killed a Rottweiler! It one night my father was walking him to a abandoned lot in our neighborhood and a half block from our house
    Rex stopped cold and began to pull my father Back to the house…my father got back to our front door and had a heart attack.Quick actions by our neighbors brought an ambulance in time to save him. But he would have been in a desolate lot dead for hours were it not for Rex!!!
    Rex died the day Kennedy got it…

    but I tell everyone I can, I’ll never have a better friend in this life than Rex…..

  • Jeffrey Smith

    So you now, in yuppietopia, noone is allowed to stop and pet one of man’s best friends? Why is that?

    Ugh! What a bunch of total PC yuppoid brain jerks!

    This is the way you loose your rights folks, by letting types like this decide what you do….

  • Jeffrey Smith

    Hey, guy WSW is me AND members of my family. Several of us make comments through WSW.

    We don’t need smug “analysis” of our activities….

  • Jeffrey Smith

    See my comment above geniuses…..

  • Jeffrey Smith

    No, that’s Cindy’s cat blackie…..or Louie Miller’s lantern….

  • Jeffrey No Wipeouts Smith

    I’m sure he was singing some Beach Boys material…..

    Let’s go surfing now, every body’s learning how….it happened on the strip where the road is wide,……well she got her daddy’s car/she makes the indy five hun-dret look like….we’ll have fun fun fun…. Yeah you hear that so much on court st and vicinity these days….

  • Willow Street Watch

    Carry a NOVA one of the 100 KV or higher models.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    Well, people have to stop complaining and take some of your time to stop the nonsense. You have to stop_ like I and my friends do, and call the cops on him. Relentlessly call the cops until his games are no longer fun and are such a hassle that he flees the neighborhood. If he moves you start to report his “activities” (read street games) there. We do this all the time. So its like something following him he can’t see the source of.

    But if you just sit and complain, the street games go on endlessly. And get progressively worse….

  • DIBS

    Try and differentiate between kidults riding bicycles on sidewalks and a child on a scooter.

  • Arch Stanton

    Multiple Personalities Jeffrey? I implore you to check yourself into Creedmoor immediately.

  • Arch Stanton

    Remember I’m the one who got you to admit it, a few months ago.

  • Diesel

    Hey read the sign, it says DOG RUN, not petting zoo. A place for us to be free to do our thing, the last thing we need is gawkers and wannabes cutting into our quality time.
    If you want to be a member of the club, the shelters are overflowing.

  • Diesel

    Wow! You are such a tool. A natural god given plant was made illegal because it competed industrial and pharmaceutical interests. Some disregard the law because it is frivolous, nothing “horrible” bout that.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Funny, my 3 year old just gave me a long lecture about how he chooses to use the scooter because he’s trying to maintain the image of being outwardly concerned about carbon emissions, and how his particular luxury brand of scooter entitles him to drive like a jerk. I totally agree with you, and I try at every opportunity to try to get cops to write him tickets or even better, take him away to prison, but so far none seem to be complicit, despite the dozens of counts of vehicular manslaughter that he’s now racked up. Must be that cute face.

  • Leave Us Be

    If you were a bit less political, perhaps, but you are always making negative comments that are out of place on a neighborhood blog i.e. Typical unions or typical democrats or typical liberals etc. No one does it as consistently as you. We don’t care about your right wing political beliefs – and they don’t belong here. Yet, you seem to go out of your way to insert them in here. Why do that? And the icing on the cake is that you don’t even live here, so cut the out of place political crap.

  • Downtheroad

    I’m wondering if anyone can offer some advice. I am looking to talk directly with owners in Brooklyn Heights about available apartment openings. You see- I’m looking for my next long-term dream rental and of course I have no problem with brokers and agents and all the rental websites out there… but I’d like to just throw this out there and see if anyone knows anything or anyone. I’m looking for something really unique and special. Thanks.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    I’m annoyed by him on the principle that some anglers ought to be fishing in rivers instead of ponds (in other words, if you’re going to beg for money every day in the same spot, do it in areas more populated by tourists than by locals), but I think he’s mostly harmless. I posted about him on here a long time ago. He might be schizophrenic–all the instances of him shouting at people seem to be nonsense interrupting an otherwise straightforward attempt to elicit small handouts, and I have to say I’m endeared by the fact that he seems to be teaching himself to read. He’ll sit there with a stack of flash cards and occasionally ask passersby what a word means or how it sounds.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    For the record, DIBS, I assume a smiley-wink and a couple of martini emoji at the end of all your comments. You’re wearing a tux and leaning against a RR, there’s no other way I could comprehend your delivery.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    OK I have to go two comments back: you said “You already give yourself away…”

    Do we know each other offline?

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Let’s not forget that the enormous private prison industry–which is entangled financially with both parties in the political establishment–benefits directly from prohibition, and politicians stand to make substantial gains from conservatives looking to pat themselves on the back for capitulating to progressive interests by endorsing “decriminalization” or legalizing only medical use.

  • DIBS

    “Several of us make comments through WSW.”

    And pretty dumb ones at that!!!

  • DIBS

    Thaks for the lecture. Why is it always that the self-proclaimed progressive liberal types are the most vocal about quelching other peoples’ opinions???? PS I used to live there and I still visit a lot but why should that even matter?? SMH