Open Thread Wednesday 6/4/14

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Solovely

    State Senator Daniel Squadron, State Assemblymember Joan Millman, and City Councilmember Stephen Levin have written BBP leadership to request the addition of the Community Advisory Council’s resolution — to this Thursday’s meeting agenda, June 5, 4 PM, at 334 Furman St — Please, please come!
    Have a position on Save Pier 6 before its too late! The petition now has over 1,600 signatures. (

  • cat

    Don’t know if this has been discussed before, but does anybody know why the concrete pillars of the new building on Montague next to Rite Aid are positioned much farther out on the sidewalk than anything around it? It’s most noticeable from across the street. How is that being allowed?

  • DIBS

    Nice tulips. i especially like the deep purple ones in front of the house on Clinton

  • skb

    The CAN PEOPLE. I’ve been meaning to post this for a while. I live on a fruit street. And within the past 6 months or so, every morning at the crack of dawn (or before!), a group of people seem to forage for bottles and cans. Presumably for deposit $ redemption.
    While this on its own doesn’t bother me at all…the thing that does is how LOUD it gets when they drag the massive bags down the street. I’m on the 4th floor with a fan going and it sometimes wakes me up. Has anyone else noticed this?

  • GHB

    Anybody else annoyed by all the chalk sidewalk “drawings” by children in the neighborhood? We’re not talking Bert from Mary Poppins here. This is just messy and ugly to look at!

  • DIBS

    LOL. Get a lfe.

  • Brixtony

    No. It looks like you’re the only one.

  • Thisguy
  • Phormyka

    Seriously? Out of all the things you could grumble and moan about, you choose this???? Take a chill pill!

  • bongo23

    Yes, I noticed that too. Seems at odds with the recently posted rendering:

  • bongo23

    I’d like to buy a vowel please.

  • A Neighbor

    Think Paris. It will put sidewalk drawings in a whole new light.

  • Justine Swartz

       The NYC Parks Department has opened 14 miles of beaches this Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. During beach season lifeguards are on duty daily.
       The Atlantic Ocean’s water temperature currently is a bone chilling 57 degrees Fahrenheit. The cold shock of the Ocean’s water on Memorial Day can cause a massive increase in blood pressure and cardiac strain plus hypothermia. Snopes says those who have a history of heart problems should avoid entering very cold water which causes the heart to stop.
       It is unwise to open our NYC beaches on Memorial Day when the Ocean is unsafe, or at the least very uncomfortable to swim in and only a few hardy souls dare to venture in.
       It is also stupid to close the beaches on Labor Day when the Ocean’s temperatures are in the upper 60’s or low
    70’s when the beaches are packed with people enjoying the fine September and early October weather.   
        A Longer beach season will result in economic upheaval. All the
    Businesses will stay crowded. Chow Hounds will continue to delight in Brighton Beach exotic Russian restaurants. Free gorgeous 14 miles of Beaches encourages New Yorkers to get healthier, build up an appetite,
    work out playing volleyball, wrestling in the sand, jogging by the sparkling ocean, swimming in the deep blue waters.
        Our quotient of happiness will not decrease if the People have their Playgrounds. It is dollars and sensible to keep beaches open.
    New York City is a Hot Spot Destination

  • hicksanthrope

    Are you annoyed by puppies and kittens too?

  • AEB

    Damnedest thing I’ve eve read!

  • Justine Swartz

    Thank you.

  • David on Middagh

    Bless you, AEB.

  • Jazz

    Snopes is a myth busting site. This article is hardly a warning:

  • Kenji Takabayashi

    do you also hate Christmas and kick puppies?

  • David on Middagh

    There are worse things than being ‘chalk blocked’.

  • Justine Swartz

    The beach season should be open until mid October while the weather is still wonderful.

  • Jorale-man

    Don’t spend too long in the water at the Brooklyn Bridge Park Beach then.

  • Justine Swartz

    That water is polluted.

  • whodiditandran

    Only by its occupants.

  • Ellie

    In a quandary – while gardening at the church a neighbor asked how I could plant flowers while the sight of the homeless lady camping on the steps was an eyesore. Another neighbor dropped off food. Another a couple of dollars. I called 311. (The grumpy neighbor hadn’t). She has finally thankfully vacated the spot after much effort. Anyone have any experience in this situation? I’m sure there will be a next time!

  • skb

    thankyou, Thisguy. I missed that one!

  • BrooklynCoffeeLover

    You must be so fun at parties.

  • Martin L Schneider

    Damn right. How did they get the okay for that obvious and offensive intrusion visually on the streetscape and physically on the sidewalk space. It would be good to know who okayed this major aberration and at what point in the project??.

  • MonroeOrange

    what on earth is this post about…you planted flowers and chased a homeless lady from sleeping on the steps of a church?

  • HeightsP

    anyone know what is going into the retail
    construction site at 101 clinton?