Bike Rack Switcheroo: Remsen to Hicks

As the photo shows, racks for the Citi Bike Share program have been placed along the west side of Hicks Street going south from Montague, in front of Heights Cafe, Dellarocco’s, and J McLaughlin. According to BHB Ten 2012 honoree Sahmi Rum, who mourns the loss of parking spaces, the racks were moved from Remsen Street because of complaints from residents of 60 Remsen, at the corner of Hicks and across the street from the racks’ previous location. As the photo below shows, that stretch of Remsen is now bike rack free.

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  • PB

    The reporter had trouble undocking the bike because she failed to read — or pretend to fail to read so she could write a biased story — the simple directions printed in large type right on the seat.

    Also, as I stated above, as an annual pass holder you get 45 minutes, not 30.

  • David on Middagh

    Alec, on-street parking has been difficult for a long time: no incentive to buy a car there. I agree that more bike stations should be tried in parks and away from buildings.

    I doubt that even regular free parkers agree with you that a “social contract” exists between the city and citizens to provide free parking. In my experience, those who need parking and have a standard car or other heavy vehicle just park where and when needed, legally or not, as it is difficult for someone without special equipment to move the parked vehicle out of the way. In other words, it’s always been “bully rules”, and the city just tries to regulate the behavior to keep it from becoming even more outrageous.

  • David on Middagh

    I was wrong. The bikes in front of 10 Clinton St. aren’t in the racks yet. The bikes will block the crosswalk even more than the racks already do: TWO racks of four, not one, will need removing.

  • Hankie Sammie

    No, are you blind much? Or just dumb much?

  • Joe A

    Doesn’t answer my question but I do appreciate the gratuitous insult asswipe. See, I can do that too.

    Average parking space is 10 feet. Simple question, is the bike station 100 feet long?

  • Joe A

    Really. No one told me about that social contract. I decided to possess a car in Brooklyn Heights but I certainly didn’t expect to find free parking on a regular basis. That is why I pay $250 a month for a parking garage. Where can I litigate that social contract you talk about?

  • petercow

    >street parking is part of the >social contract between citizen >and city.

    Really – what else is part of this unwritten contract? Congestion, honking, pollution. Hundreds of deaths a year?

  • Eddyde

    Do you honestly expect a reporter from the New York Post to know how to read?

  • Eddyde

    Relax folks it will be a good thing, you’ll see.

  • MonroeOrange

    Well, not all, but most of us who are objecting to the program are doing so out of unsafe location concerns. Or the lack of planning when instituting these racks (such as putting these racks in front of buildings, instead of parks, when a park is right across the street from said locations). I would think those concerns should be interpreted as positive energy.

  • MonroeOrange

    If the reporter had trouble, others will. And as i said, you don’t want people fiddling around with this on Atlantic and Henry while a truck is racing to make the light.

  • MonroeOrange

    I love how, when i post something that supports exactly what i said (ie. dangerous location on Atlantic and Henry) that my panties are in an uproar…but once again, i forget you don’t care about safety.

  • MonroeOrange

    Arch, i understand the program perfectly….30mins for most people who will use this, is not enough….You should buy a bike, it will be alot cheapier for you.

  • petercow

    There was a ton of planning, and opportunity for input. I was at the meeting of CB2 last year. The audience was packed… and locations were in fact ‘tweaked’ in response to input.

  • Joe A

    This comment demonstrates that you do not understand the program. You seem to be the impression that this will be mainly used for recreational purposes by tourists. Nothing could be further from the truth. The majority of users will be annual members that ride to and from work, to shopping, to the movies, etc. the 45 minutes will be more than sufficient time.

    Again you seem to think this is something new, that it is an untried experiment and the city has no idea how to structure the program. Nothing can be further from the truth, bike shares are in many many cities and ther have been numerous opportunities to study what worked and what doesn’t. Give the city a little more credit. I’m sure they are nowhere neary your stellar intellectual magnificence but they might have done their homework on this.

  • MonroeOrange

    so you approved Atlantic and Henry st? Bravo on picking the most dangerous location possible…your also approved 10 clinton st and the 3 rd building on cadman (the buildings that are petitioning to get this removed) as the the van for the elderly can no longer pick elderly residents up there, without making the residents walk to the corner…well done again sir.

  • Mike Dee

    Create proper bike lanes on the roads, then the bike share program. I cycle all over Brooklyn and its difficult as it is without hordes of tourists going the wrong way or clogging sidewalks. Will be a disaster for residents.

  • petercow

    While ideal, not realistic. essentially that would equal “never”.

  • Joe A

    Some of the opponents of the bike share program think it will be a failure because few people will use it. A NY Times poll however points otherwise. They asked:

    How likely are you to use the bike share service?

    11% very likely
    19% somewhat likely

    Those are HUGE numbers for a city that has 8 million residents.

  • neighboronhicks

    this is exactly the kind of terrible energy that is destructive to communities. redirecting your sarcasm for better purposes would likely serve the whole of the community in better ways.

  • Arch Stanton

    Simply because you imagine there is a dangerous condition does not mean one actually exists. Besides I don’t believe you really have a concern over safety.

  • MonroeOrange

    i suggested that the Atlantic ave and henry st location should be moved out of safety concerns (that seems pretty good energy and very constructive to a community that i was born and raised in) and was barraged with replies that im essentially stupid…maybe you should be chastising those people also.

  • MonroeOrange

    so you are saying that’s a safe corner? Get yourself a coffee and sit outside Tazza for an hour…you will see just how dangerous that location is…and why woudn’t you believe that safety is my concern, when the only thing i mentioned that corner in connection to, was SAFETY!…the parking we lost there was metered parking, so im not complaining about that…..

  • Arch Stanton

    It is 45 minutes for annual members (you have no way of knowing what plan will be the majority). Anyway, 30 minutes is plenty of time for most rides the system is intended for; short point to point hops.

    I already own 3 bikes, thank you. You still don’t GET IT.

  • MonroeOrange

    no…as is said people that do that in our city, OWN BIKES ALREADY!….your gonna pay to rent a bike, when you can buy a much better price on craigslist for $50….you like to waste money, that’s up to you…This program will not work without the tourist using it. No one is going to run an errand with these bikes…you gonna go grocery shopping with these bikes and the little baskets that come with it…good luck!

  • MonroeOrange

    so you own 3 bikes..yet are gonna use a clunky 45 pound bike? wow, that’s brilliant.

  • PB

    With hundreds and hundreds of locations to place I don’t think the planners should be expected to know that a van would illegally drive into the striped “no driving” zone to pick people up. Where would the van go if that space didn’t exist? Does the building need a Loading Zone in front of it? Or would that, god forbid, remove a parking space or two?

  • PB

    MonroeOrange, while I don’t think the Henry Street location is as dangerous as you seem to think (and I walk that stretch of road every single day) I imagine that once Cobble Hill launches, the planners would be amenable to moving the station just across Atlantic.

    In walking by today, the sidewalk just south of the gas station — in front of Henry Public, the take-out place and Hibino — seems more than wide enough and long enough for that station and it’s only across the street.

    Why don’t you suggest that to the Citibike planners?

  • Hicks St Guy

    we get blizzards very often. dumb.

  • Arch Stanton

    Yes I will use the system whenever i need it. e.g. when I want to take a one way bike ride. I find it sad you cannot grasp such a simple concept. Humm… Did you take take the little bus to school?